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Lesson 161: Describing Upcoming Nouns with ~느냐는

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~느냐는: Describing Upcoming Nouns




굴 = oyster
쇠 = iron
층간 = between floors
여정 = itinerary
괴물 = monster
진주 = pearl
거부 = refusal
악마 = the devil
국수 = noodles
관습 = custom
논란 = controversy, argument
주요 = main, primary

부식되다 = to corrode
실행하다 = to be carried out, for a plan to be executed
복귀하다 = to return, to come back
제기하다 = to raise a question
논의하다 = to discuss

청순하다 = to be pure/innocent
정당하다 = to be fair
떠들썩하다 = to be noisy
공정하다 = to be fair

Adverbs and Other Words:
쿵쿵 = noisily

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In this lesson, you will learn how to describe upcoming nouns with ~느냐, which you learned in the previous lesson. Let’s get started.



~느냐는: Describing Upcoming Nouns

In Lesson 26 and 27, you saw how you can use ~는 to describe an upcoming noun. For example:

진주가 있는 굴을 찾고 있어요
= I’m looking for an oyster with a pearl in it

In Lesson 155, you saw how you can do this by attaching ~는 to more complex grammatical principles like ~(으)려. For example:

층간 소음 때문에 쿵쿵 소리를 안 내려는 사람이 많아요
= There are a lot of people who are trying not to hear banging because of neighbors above them in apartments

In this same way, you can encapsulate the meaning of ~느냐 and its preceding clause to describe an upcoming noun. For example:

계획이 실행이 되느냐 안 되느냐는 결정을 기다려야 돼요
= We need to wait on the decision of if the plans would be carried out or not

Here, the word 결정 is being described by the entire part of the sentence before it. This includes the speculative connotation of ~느냐. Below are many examples of this in use:

그의 거부가 정당하냐는 논의가 이어졌어요
= The debate over whether his refusal was justified continued

이 규칙이 공정하느냐는 판단을 내리기 어려워요
= It’s hard to judge whether this rule is fair

그가 회사에 복귀하느냐는 논의가 계속되고 있어요
= The discussion of whether he will return to the company is ongoing

쇠가 부식되느냐는 문제는 산업에서 매우 중요해요
= The issue of whether iron corrodes is very important in the industry

이 관습이 언제부터 시작되었느냐는 논쟁이 많아요
= There is a lot of debate about when this custom started

그가 진심으로 사과하느냐는 논란의 중심에 있었어요
= The controversy centered on whether he sincerely apologized

이 프로젝트가 성공하느냐는 회의의 주요 주제였어요
= The main topic of the meeting was whether this project would succeed

우리가 이 문제를 해결 할 수 있느냐는 논의가 필요해요
= Discussion is needed about whether we can solve this problem

그녀가 정말 청순하느냐는 소문 때문에 온 동네가 떠들썩했어요
= The rumor about whether she is really innocent/pure made the whole neighborhood noisy

괴물이 정말 존재하느냐는 의문이 아직도 풀리지 않았어요
= The question of whether the monster truly exists has not yet been answered

악마가 정말 존재하느냐는 이야기가 사람들 사이에서 퍼졌어요
= The story of whether the devil truly exists spread among people

국수가 제대로 익었느냐는 평가가 요리 대회에서 중요한 기준이었어요
= The evaluation of whether the noodles were properly cooked was an important standard in the cooking contest

우리가 이번 프로젝트를 제시간에 끝낼 수 있느냐는 질문이 제기되었어요
= The question of whether we can finish this project has been raised

That’s it for this lesson!