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Abbreviation of ~하지 않다: ~지 않다 and ~치 않다
두께 = thickness
약초 = medicinal plants, herbs
약효 = medicinal effects
수시 = early acceptance to university
정시 = regular acceptance to university
수억 = hundreds of millions
까닭 = reason
엽서 = post card
생계 = livelihood, a living
현미경 = microscope
달팽이 = snail
굳다 = to solidify, to harden
관찰하다 = to observe
결근하다 = to be absent from work
냉동하다 = to freeze
보육하다 = to look after a child
체험하다 = to experience
접종하다 = to vaccinate
대처하다 = to handle, to deal with
예민하다 = to be keen, acute, sensitive
부정확하다 = to be inaccurate
자신만만하다 = to be confident
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In this lesson, you will learn about a common way to abbreviate the negative ~하지 않다. The abbreviation depends on the sound that precedes it, so let’s get started!
Abbreviation of ~하지 않다: ~지 않다 and ~치 않다
When negating a ~하다 verb or adjective, you can use ~지 않다. For example:
우리 강아지의 후각은 예민하지 않아요
= Our puppy’s sense of smell is not that sensitive
지금 빨리 와야 돼요! 자리가 넉넉하지 않아요
= Come quick! There’s not a lot of seats
Both of these sentences can be abbreviated, but the way in which it is done depends on the letter before the ~지 않다. Let’s look at how the two sentences above can be abbreviated:
우리 강아지의 후각은 예민치 않아요
= Our puppy’s sense of smell is not that sensitive
지금 빨리 와야 돼요! 자리가 넉넉지 않아요
= Come quick! There’s not a lot of seats
In both, you can see that the 하 was eliminated. These two sentences are acceptable in this abbreviated form.
You may ask, why the difference? 예민 has 치 after it and 넉넉 has 지 after it.
- If the syllable before ~하 ends in ㄴ, ㄹ, ㅁ or ㅇ, then you can abbreviate ~하지 to 치.
- If the syllable before ~하 ends in ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅅ or ㅈ, then you can abbreviate ~하지 to 지.
Below are examples ~하 being removed and 지 being changed to 치 because the syllable before 하 ends in ㄴ, ㄹ, ㅁ or ㅇ:
저는 그것을 직접 체험치 못했어요
= I haven’t directly experienced that
고기가 굳어 버릴 까봐 냉동치 않았어요
= I didn’t freeze the meat because I was worried it might harden
그런 까닭에 우리가 애기를 접종치 않았어요
= For that reason, we didn’t vaccinate the baby
직원들이 결근치 않도록 회사에서 좋은 분위기를 만드는 것이 좋아요
= It’s good for the company to create a positive atmosphere so that employees don’t miss work
제가 그 현상을 관찰치 못해 연구 결과가 부정확해졌어요
= I couldn’t observe the phenomenon, so the research results became inaccurate
그 사람이 수억 원이 있으니 생계를 걱정치 않아도 돼요
= Since that person has hundreds of millions of won, they don’t need to worry about their livelihood
그녀는 감정적으로 예민치 않아 모든 상황을 침착하게 대처했어요
= She wasn’t emotionally sensitive, so she handled all situations calmly
저는 까닭 없이 친구한테 엽서를 보냈는데 종이에 아무런 말을 작성치 않았어요
= I sent a postcard to my friend without any reason, but I didn’t write anything on the paper
약초를 이용해 약을 만드는 게 단순치 않은 경우도 있으니 전문가의 조언을 들어야 해요
= Since making medicine with herbs is sometimes not simple, you should listen to an expert’s advice
Below are examples ~하 being removed because the syllable before 하 ends in ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅅ or ㅈ. While possible, I find that these abbreviation is not nearly as common as the abbreviation of ~하지 to 치. Nonetheless, let’s look at a couple:
시험을 합격지 못해서 대학교를 정시로 들어가야 되겠어요
= I couldn’t pass the test, so I’ll have to apply to the university through regular admission
달팽이의 두께 때문에 달팽이를 현미경으로 관찰치 못했어요
= Because of the snail’s thickness, I couldn’t observe it under a microscope
학생은 발표 준비가 완벽지 않아 자신만만하지 못한 태도를 보였어요
= The student’s presentation preparation wasn’t perfect, so he showed a lack of confidence
그 남자의 와이프가 애기를 낳았는데 남자가 한번도 보육지 않았어요
= His wife gave birth to a baby, but he never took care of the child
That’s it for this lesson!