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돌 = rock
돌을 서로 얹어서 작은 탑을 만들었어요
= They piled up rocks to create a small tower
그 돌이 너무 커서 던질 수 없어요
= That rock is too big, so you can’t throw it
돌을 치우려는 참인 듯 힘을 주어 돌을 들어올렸어요
= He seemed to be about to remove the rock, and he lifted it with effort
전세계 = whole world
지구 온난화는 전세계적으로 심각한 문제예요
= Global warming is a serious problem for the whole world
전세계를 여행하려는 참인데, 여행 경로에 대한 정보가 더 필요해요
= I am about to travel the whole world, but I need more information about travel routes
쓰레기통 = garbage can
쓰레기통을 비워 주세요
= Please empty the garbage can
쓰레기통을 비우려던 참에 전화가 왔어요
= I was about to empty the garbage can when the phone rang
삼시 = three meals in a day
Common Usages:
삼시 세끼 = three meals a day
삼시 세끼를 거르지 말고 균형 잡힌 식사를 챙겨 먹어야 해요
= Don’t skip three meals a day; you should have a balanced diet
그 사람이 너무 말라서 삼시 세끼를 먹을 리가 없어요
= That person is so thin, there is no way she is eating three meals a day
캠핑에서 먹을 삼시 세끼를 준비하려는 참이에요
= I am about to prepare three meals a day for when we go camping
세끼 = three meals in a day
Common Usages:
삼시 세끼 = three meals a day
하루 세끼 식사는 건강에 중요해요
= Having three meals a day is important for your health
삼시 세끼를 거르지 말고 균형 잡힌 식사를 챙겨 먹어야 해요
= Don’t skip three meals a day; you should have a balanced diet
그 사람이 너무 말라서 삼시 세끼를 먹을 리가 없어요
= That person is so thin, there is no way she is eating three meals a day
캠핑에서 먹을 삼시 세끼를 준비하려는 참이에요
= I am about to prepare three meals a day for when we go camping
예고 = notice, warning
내일 비가 올 것 같은데, 기상 예보를 꼭 확인하세요
= It looks like it will rain tomorrow, so please check the weather forecast
중요한 예고를 하려는 참이니 모두 집중해 주세요
= I am about to make an important announcement, so please pay attention
중요한 예고를 하려던 참인 듯 그 남자는 잠시 망설였어요
= That man seemed to be about to make an important announcement, and he hesitated for a moment
은퇴식 = retirement party
은퇴식이 시작되는 참이에요
= The retirement party is just about to start
선생님의 은퇴식이 감동적으로 열렸어요
= The retirement party for the teacher was movingly held
칼날 = blade of a knife
칼날이 매우 날카로우니 조심하세요
= The blade of the knife is very sharp, so be careful
칼날을 갈려던 참에 전기가 나갔어요
= I was about to sharpen the blade when the power went out
창공 = blue sky
창공을 바라보며 마음을 평온하게 가졌습니다
= I felt at peace while gazing at the blue sky
창공을 바라보려는 참에 비행기가 지나갔어요
= I was about to look at the blue sky when a plane passed by
여름날 = summer day
여름날 해변에서 놀던 기억이 납니다
= I remember playing at the beach on a summer day
여름날에 해변에 가려던 참인데 갑자기 비가 왔어요
= I was about to go to the beach on a summer day, but it suddenly started raining
경로 = path for a person or object
전세계를 여행하려는 참인데, 여행 경로에 대한 정보가 더 필요해요
= I am about to travel the whole world, but I need more information about travel routes
은퇴하다 = to retire
Common Usages:
은퇴식 = retirement party
은퇴식이 시작되는 참이에요
= The retirement party is just about to start
배우로써 최정상에 오른 후 서서히 내려와 은퇴하고 싶었어요
= As an actor, after making it to the top and slowly coming down, I wanted to retire early
은퇴하려는 참에 새로운 프로젝트 제안을 받았어요
= I was about to retire early when I received a new project proposal
소꿉장난하다 = to play house
아이들이 소꿉장난을 하려던 참에 엄마가 저녁을 먹으라고 불렀어요
= The children were about to play “house” when they were called for dinner
떼다 = to remove something stuck
Common Usages:
스티커를 떼다 = to remove a sticker
스티커를 떼려는 참에 종이가 찢어졌어요
= I was about to remove the sticker when the paper store
아침에 늦잠을 자서 세수도 못하고 눈꼽만 떼고 왔어요
= I slept in this morning so I didn’t have time to wash my face and I came while taking the sleep out of my eyes
병들다 = to get sick, to catch a disease
건강에 신경 쓰지 않으면 쉽게 병들 수 있어요
= If you don’t take care of your health, you can easily get sick
강아지가 병들려는 참에 병원에 데려갔어요
= The puppy was about to get sick when I took him to the hospital
씌우다 = to cover somebody else
Notes: When covering your own head with something, the verb 쓰다 is used. When covering somebody else’s head, 씌우다 is used.
Common Usages:
우산을 씌우다 = to cover somebody with an umbrella
비가 갑자기 쏟아져서 옷이 흠뻑 젖으려던 참에 친구가 우산을 씌워 줬어요
= I was about to get soaking wet when my friend covered me with an umbrella
쏟아지다 = to spill out
동전을 담은 봉지가 찢어지면서 동전이 와르르 바닥에 쏟아졌다
= As the bag that the coins were in ripped, the coins all fell to the ground
눈이 쏟아지면 온 마을이 눈으로 덮여요
= When it snows, the entire town gets covered in snow
갑자기 예상치 못한 양의 폭우가 쏟아지자 천장에서 물이 새기 시작했어요
= All of a sudden a rainstorm of unexpected amount came down, and water started leaking from the roof
비가 갑자기 쏟아져서 옷이 흠뻑 젖으려던 참에 친구가 우산을 씌워 줬어요
= I was about to get soaking wet when my friend covered me with an umbrella
Adverbs and Other Words:
참 = about to do
캠핑에서 먹을 삼시 세끼를 준비하려는 참이에요
= I am about to prepare three meals a day for when we go camping
은퇴식이 시작되는 참이에요
= The retirement party is just about to start
스티커를 떼려는 참에 종이가 찢어졌어요
= I was about to remove the sticker when the paper tore
쓰레기통을 비우려던 참에 전화가 왔어요
= I was about to empty the garbage can when the phone rang
흠뻑 = wet
갑자기 소나기가 내려서 옷이 흠뻑흠뻑 젖었어요
= All of a sudden there was a shower so my clothes got all wet
비가 갑자기 쏟아져서 옷이 흠뻑 젖으려던 참에 친구가 우산을 씌워 줬어요
= I was about to get soaking wet when my friend covered me with an umbrella
For help memorizing these words, try using our mobile app.
In this lesson, you will continue to learn about grammatical principles that you can attach to ~(으)려, and how this can be used with the word 참. Let’s get started.
~(으)려는 참: To be about to do
In the previous lesson, you learned how you can add ~는 and 던 to ~(으)려 so you can combine their meanings. You saw how you can use the construction to describe an upcoming noun. A “noun” they often describe is 참. 참 isn’t a regular noun, but rather a pseudo-noun that can only be used when described by something. You have seen many pseudo-nouns in previous lessons:
적 in Lesson 32:
우리 애기가 그렇게 소꿉장난한 적이 없어요
= Our baby hasn’t played house like that before
수 in Lesson 45:
그 돌이 너무 커서 던질 수 없어요
= That rock is too big, so you can’t throw it
리 in Lesson 133:
그 사람이 너무 말라서 삼시 세끼를 먹을 리가 없어요
= That person is so thin, there is no way she is eating three meals a day
참 can be used similarly to 적, 수 and 리 above. That is, it can only be used when described by something. 참 is usually described by ~(으)려는 or ~(으)려던. Just like the pseudo-nouns that you learned about in previous lessons, it’s hard to give 참 a meaning on its own. Rather, it makes more sense to give the entire construction of ~(으)려는 참 or ~(으)려던 참 a meaning.
You can use ~(으)려는 참 or ~(으)려던 참 to indicate that one was just about to do an action. If 참 is the last noun in the sentence and is predicated by 이다, the sentence itself can simply be used to indicate that one was just about to do an action. For example:
캠핑에서 먹을 삼시 세끼를 준비하려는 참이에요
= I am about to prepare three meals a day for when we go camping
은퇴식이 시작되는 참이에요
= The retirement party is just about to start
참 and the meaning it carries can also be put in the middle of a sentence. For example, ~에 is commonly added to 참 to indicate that some other event happened as one was about to do an action. The common translation for this usage is “when.” For example:
창공을 바라보려는 참에 비행기가 지나갔어요
= I was about to look at the blue sky when a plane passed by
은퇴하려는 참에 새로운 프로젝트 제안을 받았어요
= I was about to retire early when I received a new project proposal
스티커를 떼려는 참에 종이가 찢어졌어요
= I was about to remove the sticker when the paper tore
돌을 치우려던 참에 비가 오기 시작했어요
= I was about to remove the rock when it started to rain
쓰레기통을 비우려던 참에 전화가 왔어요
= I was about to empty the garbage can when the phone rang
칼날을 갈려던 참에 전기가 나갔어요
= I was about to sharpen the blade when the power went out
강아지가 병들려는 참에 병원에 데려갔어요
= The puppy was about to get sick when I took him to the hospital
비가 갑자기 쏟아져서 옷이 흠뻑 젖으려던 참에 친구가 우산을 씌워 줬어요
= I was about to get soaking wet when my friend covered me with an umbrella
아이들이 소꿉장난을 하려던 참에 엄마가 저녁을 먹으라고 불렀어요
= The children were about to play “house” when they were called for dinner
You can attach the grammatical principle of your choice to 참 to create a more complex meaning.
For example, you can add ~인데 (이다 + ㄴ데 from Lesson 76 and 77) to 참 to indicate that one is about to do something and this is information that the listener will need to understand next clause. For example:
전세계를 여행하려는 참인데, 여행 경로에 대한 정보가 더 필요해요
= I am about to travel the whole world, but I need more information about travel routes
여름날에 해변에 가려던 참인데 갑자기 비가 왔어요
= I was about to go to the beach on a summer day, but it suddenly started raining
You can add 이니 (이다 + ~(으)니 from Lesson 81) to give background information. For example:
중요한 예고를 하려는 참이니 모두 집중해 주세요
= I am about to make an important announcement, so please pay attention
You can add 인 듯 (이다 + ㄴ 듯 from Lesson 67) to indicate that it seems as though an action will happen. Inherently this is more commonly used when the acting agent isn’t the speaker, as it makes more sense to notice this of somebody else. For example:
돌을 치우려는 참인 듯 힘을 주어 돌을 들어올렸어요
= He seemed to be about to remove the rock, and he lifted it with effort
중요한 예고를 하려던 참인 듯 그 남자는 잠시 망설였어요
= That man seemed to be about to make an important announcement, and he hesitated for a moment
쓰레기통을 비우려던 참인 듯 동생은 전화를 끊고 쓰레기 봉투를 들고 나왔어요
= He seemed to be about to empty the garbage can, and then he hung up the phone and then brought out the garbage bags
That’s it for this lesson!