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읍 = denotes small town in the countryside
Notes: This is most likely to be used to denote the name of a small town, for example, the full town name might be 경상남도 함양군 함양읍, where 도 represents to the same of the province, 군 represents the name of the county, and 읍 represents the name of the town.
Common Usages:
읍내 = the small downtown of a small town in the countryside
다음 주말에 우리가 의령읍에 갈 거예요
= Next week we are going to go to Uiryeong-eup
엄마 모르게 읍내에 가려는 계획을 세웠어요
= I made a plan to go to the small town without mom knowing
읍내 = the small downtown of a small town in the countryside
Notes: This is similar to the word 시내 which can refer to the downtown of the city, with 시 denoting a city.
엄마 모르게 읍내에 가려는 계획을 세웠어요
= I made a plan to go to the small town without mom knowing
저는 주말마다 읍내 시장에 가서 신선한 과일과 채소를 사요
= Every weekend I go to the market in the center of the small town and buy fresh fruits and vegetables
구어 = spoken language
이 구어는 십대들이 사용하는 비밀 언어예요
= This slang is a secret language that teenagers use
구어를 배우려는 학생들이 많이 있어요
= There are many students who want to learn spoken language
압정 = thumbtack
바닥에 놓아 있는 압정을 밟았어요
= I stepped on a thumbtack that was on the floor
압정을 사용하려는 사람들이 많아서 압정이 금방 다 팔렸어요
= Many people wanted to use thumbtacks, so they quickly sold out
대원 = worker working for a group
Common Usages:
구조대원 = rescuer
소방대원은 화재 현장에 신속하게 도착했어요
= The firefighter arrived promptly at the scene of the fire
위급 환자에게 인공호흡을 하려는 응급 대원이 도착했어요
= The emergency worker who intends to perform CPR has arrived
비법 = secret process
Notes: I always remembered this word by thinking of 비밀 방법.
그 음식의 비법을 공개하려는 요리사가 드디어 나타났어요
= The chef who wants to reveal the secret process has finally appeared
이 요리책에는 전통으로 김치 담그는 비법이 상세히 나와 있어요
= This cookbook contains detailed secrets for making traditional kimchi
정규 = regular
Common Usages:
정규직 = regular position
비정규 = irregular
비정규직 = irregular worker
저는 정규 수업 시간에 항상 늦지 않게 참석해요
= He always attends regular class sessions on time
정규 수업에 참석하려는 학생들이 줄을 섰어요
= Students who want to attend regular classes lined up
정규직으로 취업하려는 사람들이 많아서 경쟁이 치열해요
= There is fierce competition because many people want to get a regular position
회사에서 비정규직에서 정규직으로 모든 직원들을 전환하려는 움직임이 있어요
= There is a movement at the company to change all their irregular workers to regular workers
정규직 = regular position
Notes: I used this word a lot as a public school teacher in Korea. Some teachers were temporary, filing in for permanent teachers while they were on some sort of leave. The temporary teachers referred to their positions as 비정규직 and always expressed their desire to become 정규직.
정규직으로 취업하려는 사람들이 많아서 경쟁이 치열해요
= There is fierce competition because many people want to get a regular position
회사에서 비정규직에서 정규직으로 모든 직원들을 전환하려는 움직임이 있어요
= There is a movement at the company to change all their irregular workers to regular workers
비정규 = irregular
비정규 직원들은 정규 직원들과 같은 혜택을 받지 못해요
= Non-regular employees do not receive the same benefits as regular employees.)
비정규직 = irregular position
회사에서 비정규직에서 정규직으로 모든 직원들을 전환하려는 움직임이 있어요
= There is a movement at the company to change all their irregular workers to regular workers
현수막 = banners to hang up outside
Notes: This seems like a weird word to learn, but when you come to Korea, you see these everywhere. Companies often print an advertisement on one of these banners and hang them up between posts or trees for people to see. It’s often done illegally and you sometimes see city officials removing them.
한국에 있는 사거리에 현수막이 많아요
= There are a lot of banners at Korean intersections
현수막을 걸려는 사람들이 이른 아침부터 준비하고 있어요
= People who want to hang up banners have been preparing since early morning
인공호흡 = artificial respiration (CPR)
길가에 쓰러진 사람에게 인공호흡을 해서 그 사람이 다시 살아났어요
= They administered first aid to the person who had collapsed on the roadside, and the person survived
위급 환자에게 인공호흡을 하려는 응급 대원이 도착했어요
= The emergency worker who intends to perform CPR has arrived
인공호흡기를 사용하려는 의사가 준비 중이에요
= The doctor who is about to use the artificial respirator is getting ready
인공호흡기 = artificial respirator
인공호흡기를 사용하려는 의사가 준비 중이에요
= The doctor who is about to use the artificial respirator is getting ready
팔리다 = to be sold
새해가 될 때마다 서점에서 가장 잘 팔리는 책 종류는 자기개발서예요
= Every new year, the genre of books that sell the best are self-help books
이 제품의 품질이 우수해서 가게에서 잘 팔리겠어요
= The quality of this product is outstanding, so it will sell well in stores
압정을 사용하려는 사람들이 많아서 압정이 금방 다 팔렸어요
= Many people wanted to use thumbtacks, so they quickly sold out
공개하다 = to make public
그 음식의 비법을 공개하려는 요리사가 드디어 나타났어요
= The chef who wants to reveal the secret process has finally appeared
세척하다 = to cleanse
Common Usages:
식기세척기 = dish washer
과일을 세척하려는 엄마가 부엌에서 바빠요
= The mom who wants to cleanse the fruits is busy in the kitchen
과일을 세척하려던 순간에 물이 다 떨어졌어요
= Just as I was about to cleanse the fruits, we ran out of water
지지하다 = to support/back somebody
Common Usages:
후보자 지지하다 = to support a candidate
그 후보자를 지지할 수 있게 설득하려는 연설이 시작됐어요
= The speech to convince people to support that candidate started
후보자를 지지하려던 사람들은 예상하지 못한 발표에 당황했어요
= The people who were about to support the candidate were surprised by an unexpected announcement
취침하다 = to go to bed
일찍 취침하려는 아이들이 벌써 잘 준비를 마쳤어요
= The kids who want to go to bed early have already finished getting ready to sleep
늦은 시간에 취침하면 다음 날 피곤할 수 있어요
Going to bed late can make you tired the next day
발급하다 = to issue
은행에서 새 신용카드를 발급 받을 수 있어요
= At the bank you can get a new credit card
새로운 여권을 발급하려는 사람들이 많아서 대기 시간이 길어요
= There are many people who want to issue new passports, so the waiting time is long
전환하다 = to change direction
저는 새로운 직업으로 전환하고 싶어요
= I want to change to a new job
회사에서 비정규직에서 정규직으로 모든 직원들을 전환하려는 움직임이 있어요
= There is a movement at the company to change all their irregular workers to regular workers
Adverbs and Other Words:
통 = counter for phone calls
Common Usages:
전화 한 통 = a phone call
어제 친구와 세 통의 전화를 했어요
= I had three phone calls with a friend yesterday
일찍 취침하려던 계획이 전화 한 통 때문에 엉망이 됐어요
= My plan to go to bed early was interrupted by a phone call
힘껏 = with all one’s might
저는 달리기 시험에서 일등을 하기 위해 힘껏 달렸어요
= I ran with all my might in order to win the running race
힘껏 운동장에서 뛰려는 아이들이 쉬는 시간이 시작되자마자 나왔어요
= The kids who wanted to run with all their might on the playground came out as soon as recess started
For help memorizing these words, try using our mobile app.
In the previous two lessons, you saw that you can combine ~(으)려 with other grammatical principles to combine their meanings. In this lesson, you will continue to expand your understanding of ~(으)려 by connecting it to another grammatical principle.
In Lesson 26 and 27, you saw how you can use ~는 to describe an upcoming noun. For example:
이 구어는 십대들이 사용하는 비밀 언어예요
= This slang is a secret language that teenagers use
한국어를 배우는 학생이 별로 없어요
= There aren’t a lot of students who are learning Korean
Here, the noun is being described by the verb 배우다. The students who are learning. It’s possible to make this sentence more complex by using ~(으)려고 as well. For example:
한국어를 배우려고 하는 학생이 별로 없어요
= There aren’t a lot of students who are trying to learn Korean
You can attach ~는 directly to ~(으)려 to abbreviate it to ~(으)려는. Here, ~(으)려는 is an abbreviation of ~(으)려고 하는. For example:
한국어를 배우려는 학생이 별로 없어요
= There aren’t a lot of students who are trying to learn Korean
Below are many more examples:
엄마 모르게 읍내에 가려는 계획을 세웠어요
= I made a plan to go to the small town without mom knowing
구어를 배우려는 학생들이 많이 있어요
= There are many students who want to learn spoken language
압정을 사용하려는 사람들이 많아서 압정이 금방 다 팔렸어요
= Many people wanted to use thumbtacks, so they quickly sold out
그 음식의 비법을 공개하려는 요리사가 드디어 나타났어요
= The chef who wants to reveal the secret process has finally appeared
위급 환자에게 인공호흡을 하려는 응급 대원이 도착했어요
= The emergency worker who intends to perform CPR has arrived
인공호흡기를 사용하려는 의사가 준비 중이에요
= The doctor who is about to use the artificial respirator is getting ready
정규 수업에 참석하려는 학생들이 줄을 섰어요
= Students who want to attend regular classes lined up
정규직으로 취업하려는 사람들이 많아서 경쟁이 치열해요
= There is fierce competition because many people want to get a regular position
회사에서 비정규직에서 정규직으로 모든 직원들을 전환하려는 움직임이 있어요
= There is a movement at the company to change all their irregular workers to regular workers
현수막을 걸려는 사람들이 이른 아침부터 준비하고 있어요
= People who want to hang up banners have been preparing since early morning
과일을 세척하려는 엄마가 부엌에서 바빠요
= The mom who wants to cleanse the fruits is busy in the kitchen
그 후보자를 지지할 수 있게 설득하려는 연설이 시작됐어요
= The speech to convince people to support that candidate started
일찍 취침하려는 아이들이 벌써 잘 준비를 마쳤어요
= The kids who want to go to bed early have already finished getting ready to sleep
새로운 여권을 발급하려는 사람들이 많아서 대기 시간이 길어요
= There are many people who want to issue new passports, so the waiting time is long
힘껏 운동장에서 뛰려는 아이들이 쉬는 시간이 시작되자마자 나왔어요
= The kids who wanted to run with all their might on the playground came out as soon as recess started
In the previous section, you saw how ~(으)려는 is an abbreviation of ~(으)려고 하는. In Lesson 27 you saw how ~던 can be used to describe upcoming nouns. Instead of attaching ~는 to ~(으)려 like you saw in the previous section, you can also attach ~던 to create ~(으)려던. As you learned in Lesson 27, ~던 indicates that an action once happened and is no longer happening. You can use ~(으)려던 to describe a noun that was intended to happen but did not. For example:
하려던 일을 멈추고 이것부터 해 주세요
= Stop the thing that you are just about to do and do this first
Below are some examples:
과일을 세척하려던 순간에 물이 다 떨어졌어요
= Just as I was about to cleanse the fruits, we ran out of water
후보자를 지지하려던 사람들은 예상하지 못한 발표에 당황했어요
= The people who were about to support the candidate were surprised by an unexpected announcement
일찍 취침하려던 계획이 전화 한 통 때문에 엉망이 됐어요
= My plan to go to bed early was interrupted by a phone call
새 여권을 발급하려던 사람들은 시스템 오류로 기다려야 했어요
= The people who were about to issue new passports had to wait due to a system error
That’s it for this lesson!