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Lesson 154: ~(으)려다가 – I was going to, but then

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이상형 = ideal type of man/woman

그 여자는 자신이 만날 남자의 이상형을 항상 상상하며 꿈꾸곤 했어요
= That woman always imagined and dreamed about her ideal type of man

한가지 = one type of thing

이 문제를 해결할 한가지 방법이 있어요
= There is one type of solution to this problem

한가지만 사려다가 여러 가지를 샀어요
= I was going to buy just one thing, but I ended up buying several things

초원 = grassland/meadow

우리는 주말에 가족과 함께 초원에서 피크닉을 즐겼어요
= We enjoyed a picnic with the family in the meadow over the weekend

초원에 가려다가 날씨가 안 좋아서 포기했어요
= I was going to go to the meadow, but I gave up because of the bad weather

대도시 = big city

대도시의 복잡한 생활은 저를 가끔 지치게 해요
= The hectic life in the big city sometimes makes me tired

대도시에 이사하려다가 비용이 너무 많이 들어서 포기했어요
= I intended to move to the big city, but then gave up because it was too expensive

인상 = furrowed brow

Notes: This is difficult to describe in English. When my wife reads anything, her forehead gets a bit crinkly, as if she is focusing on the content of the book. She doesn’t like it, as it makes wrinkles show on her forehead. I tell her “인상!” and she immediately smiles and the wrinkles go away.

Common Usages:
인상을 찌푸리다 = to furrow one’s brow

인상을 찌푸리려다가 상냥하게 웃었어요
= I was about to furrow my brow, but I smiled gently instead

그 남자의 진지한 인상이 사람들에게 깊은 인상을 남겼어요
= That man’s serious expression left a deep impression on people

먹구름 = dark clouds

하늘에 먹구름이 끼여서 비가 올 것 같아요
= Dark clouds are covering the sky, so it seems like it will rain

하늘에 먹구름이 가득해서 비가 올 것 같아요
= The sky is full of dark clouds, so it looks like it’s going to rain

먹구름이 끼려다가 갑자기 해가 나왔어요
= Dark clouds were about to gather, but suddenly the sun came out

해적 = pirate

저는 어릴 때부터 해적 이야기를 좋아했어요
= I liked pirate stories since I was a child

해적에 관한 이야기를 동생에게 하려다가 너무 무서울까 봐 그만뒀어요
= I was going to tell a pirate story, but I stopped because I thought it might be too scary

세면 = washing one's face

Notes: When washing your face, it would be more common to use 세수. However, 세면 is often used in other words (세면대, 세면도구), and 세면 is technically a word, so I figured I would include it in this list.

아침마다 세면을 한 후에 항상 개운해요
= Every morning, I feel refreshed after washing my face

세면대 = sink

세면대에서 손과 얼굴을 깨끗이 씻었어요
= I washed my hands and face clean in the sink

세면대를 청소하다가 갑자기 소변이 마려웠어요
= I was cleaning the sink, and then all of a sudden I had to pee

세면도구 = items for washing one’s face

여행 갈 때 세면도구를 챙기는 것을 잊지 마세요
= Don’t forget to pack your toiletries when you go on a trip

세면도구를 챙기려다가 친구가 가져올 것 같아서 안 챙겼어요
= I was going to bring my face-washing items but it was likely my friend was going to bring them so I didn’t

미남 = handsome man

그 영화 배우는 미남으로 유명해요
= That movie actor is famous for being a handsome man

미남을 만나다가 외모의 중요성을 알게 됐어요
= After meeting a handsome man (going out with a handsome man), I realized the importance of appearance/looks

육식 = meat diet

Common Usages:
육식동물 = carnivore

우리 아빠는 건강을 위해 육식을 줄이기로 결심했어요
= Our dad decided to reduce his meat diet for his health

매일 육식을 먹으려다가 건강을 위해서 채식으로 바꾸었어요
= I was just going to eat meat every day, but for my health I changed it to vegetable (based)

채식 = vegetable diet

Common Usages:
채식동물 = herbivore
채식주의자 = vegetarian

그 사람이 저녁식사를 같이 했을 때 고기를 먹지 않아 가지고 채식주의자라고 추측했어요
= When I had dinner with that person, he didn’t eat meat, so I guessed that he is a vegetarian

우리 딸은 채식을 하면서 건강한 생활을 유지하고 있어요
= Our daughter maintains a healthy lifestyle by following a vegetable diet

매일 육식을 먹으려다가 건강을 위해서 채식으로 바꾸었어요
= I was just going to eat meat every day, but for my health I changed it to vegetable (based)

여중 = girls middle school

Notes: This is an abbreviation of 여자 중학교.

여중에서 공부하는 여학생들은 활기차고 열정적이에요
= The girls studying at the girls middle school are lively and passionate

여중에서 강연을 하려다가 일정이 변경되어 여고로 갔어요
= I was going to give a lecture at a girls’ middle school, but the schedule changed, so I went to a girls’ high school instead

여고 = girls high school

Notes: This is an abbreviation of 여자 고등학교

여고 시절의 추억은 언제나 소중하게 간직될 것이에요
= The memories of my girls high school days will always be cherished

여중에서 강연을 하려다가 일정이 변경되어 여고로 갔어요
= I was going to give a lecture at a girls’ middle school, but the schedule changed, so I went to a girls’ high school instead

저술자 = author of a novel

이 소설의 저술자는 문학계에 큰 영향을 미쳤어요
= The author of this novel had a significant impact on the literary world

이 책의 저술자를 만나려다가 시간이 안 맞아서 못 만났어요
= I was going to meet the author of that book, but the timing wasn’t right, so I couldn’t meet him

투입하다 = to inject

동전을 자판기에 투입하려다가 기계가 고장 난 것을 알았어요
= I was going to insert a coin intothe vending machine when I realized it was broken

새로운 프로젝트에 인력을 투입하려다가 예산 문제가 생겼어요
= I was about to allocate manpower to the new project, but a budget issue arose

찌푸리다 = to frown

부장님이 불쾌한 소식을 듣고 이마를 찌푸렸어요
= The boss frowned when he heard the unpleasant news

인상을 찌푸리려다가 상냥하게 웃었어요
= I was about to furrow my brow, but I smiled gently instead

선명하다 = to be clear/distinct/sharp/vivid

그 그림의 색상이 매우 선명해요
= The colors in that painting are very vivid

사진을 선명하게 찍으려다가 카메라를 떨어뜨렸어요
= I was going to take a clear picture, but I dropped the camera

상냥하다 = to be gentle/tender

그 선생님은 모든 사람들을 상냥하게 대해요
= That teacher treats everyone with kindness

상냥하게 말하려다가 화를 내고 말았어요
= I was going to speak gently, but I ended up getting angry

인상을 찌푸리려다가 상냥하게 웃었어요
= I was about to furrow my brow, but I smiled gently instead

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In the previous lesson, you saw that you can combine ~(으)려 with ~(으)니까 to combine their meanings. In this lesson, you will continue to expand your understanding of ~려 by connecting it to another grammatical principle.




In Lesson 88, you saw that you can use ~다가 to indicate that one action halts and for another action to begin. For example:

세면대를 청소하다가 갑자기 소변이 마려웠어요
= I was cleaning the sink, and then all of a sudden I had to pee

You also saw in that lesson that, depending on the circumstance, the first action (which ends up halting) could be a cause of the second clause. For example:

그 사람을 만나다가 가족의 소중함을 깨달았어요
= After meeting that man (going out with that man), I realize the preciousness of family

미남을 만나다가 외모의 중요성을 알게 됐어요
= After meeting a handsome man (going out with a handsome man), I realized the importance of appearance/looks

The combination of ~(으)려 with ~다가 is a direct abbreviation of ~(으)려고 하다가, so the meaning of ~(으)려다가 is simply the combinations of their respective meanings. A very literal translation for this is “I intended to do a particular action, but then…” For example:

대도시에 이사하려다가 비용이 너무 많이 들어서 포기했어요
= I intended to move to the big city, but then gave up because it was too expensive

In practice, it is common to start these sentences in English with “I was going to…” Below are many more examples:

한가지만 사려다가 여러 가지를 샀어요
= I was going to buy just one thing, but I ended up buying several things

상냥하게 말하려다가 화를 내고 말았어요
= I was going to speak gently, but I ended up getting angry

인상을 찌푸리려다가 상냥하게 웃었어요
= I was about to furrow my brow, but I smiled gently instead

먹구름이 끼려다가 갑자기 해가 나왔어요
= Dark clouds were about to gather, but suddenly the sun came out

초원에 가려다가 날씨가 안 좋아서 포기했어요
= I was going to go to the meadow, but I gave up because of the bad weather

사진을 선명하게 찍으려다가 카메라를 떨어뜨렸어요
= I was going to take a clear picture, but I dropped the camera

여중에서 강연을 하려다가 일정이 변경되어 여고로 갔어요
= I was going to give a lecture at a girls’ middle school, but the schedule changed, so I went to a girls’ high school instead

이 책의 저술자를 만나려다가 시간이 안 맞아서 못 만났어요
= I was going to meet the author of that book, but the timing wasn’t right, so I couldn’t meet him

동전을 자판기에 투입하려다가 기계가 고장 난 것을 알았어요
= I was going to insert a coin into the vending machine when I realized it was broken

세면도구를 챙기려다가 친구가 가져올 것 같아서 안 챙겼어요
= I was going to bring my face-washing items but it was likely my friend was going to bring them so I didn’t

매일 육식을 먹으려다가 건강을 위해서 채식으로 바꾸었어요
= I was just going to eat meat every day, but for my health I changed it to vegetable (based)

새 장치를 설치하려다가 기존 장치가 아직 쓸 만해서 그냥 두었어요
= I was going to install a new device, but the existing one was still usable, so I left it as it was

해적에 관한 이야기를 동생에게 하려다가 너무 무서울까 봐 그만뒀어요
= I was going to tell a pirate story, but I stopped because I thought it might be too scary

That’s it for this lesson!

Take me to the next lesson!

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