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말투 = one's way of speaking
시차 = time change
산속 = inside a forest
정화 = purification
정화수 = purified water
정화기 = filter
정수기 = water filter
출판사 = publisher
출판물 = publication
농사철 = farming season
찬바람 = cold wind
코뿔소 = rhinoceros
분리수거 = the process of separating one’s recycling
애완동물 = pet animal
빛나다 = to shine
떨리다 = to shake, to be nervous
앞서다 = to go ahead, to come before
웃기다 = to be funny
출판하다 = to publish
방재하다 = to prevent against disasters
두드리다 = to knock
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In this lesson, and the few lessons that follow, you will learn how to apply ~려 to create more complex meanings. In doing so, you will combine ~려 with some other grammatical principles. Let’s get started!
In Lesson 32, you learned how to use ~(으)려고 to indicate that one intends to do an action. For example:
정수기를 고치려고 해요
= I’m going to fix the water filter
출판사에 제출하려고 책을 쓸 거예요
= I’m going to write a book to send to a publisher
Especially in speech, this is the way this grammatical principle is usually used. However, it is possible to not include ~고 and use ~(으)려 with no difference in meaning. For example:
정수기를 고치려 해요
= I’m going to fix the water filter
출판사에 제출하려 책을 쓸 거예요
= I’m going to write a book to send to a publisher
You learned in Lesson 81 how to use ~(으)니까 to provide an excuse as to why the second clause occurs. For example:
우리가 자주 여행을 가니까 애완동물을 못 키우겠어요
= We travel often, so we won’t be able to raise a pet
You also saw how ~(으)니까 can be used to provide information in one clause to affect the next clause. For example:
제가 분리수거를 다 했으니까 이제 영화를 볼 수 있어요
= Now that I am finished with the recycling, I can see a movie
It is possible to attach ~(으)니까 to ~(으)려 to create a compound meaning. The meaning that is formed is the combination of the two grammatical principles put together.
Usage 1:
The speaker wanted to do something, but faced some alternate situation. This is in line with the two meanings described above, as ~(으)려 indicates the intention of the speaker and ~(으)니까 provides an excuse as to why it can’t happen. For example:
물을 정화하려니까 정수기가 고장 났어요
= I tried to purify the water, but the water filter broke down
정화수를 만들려니까 정화기가 없네요
= I tried to make purified water, but we don’t have a filter
친구들 앞에서 발표하려니까 너무 떨렸어요
= I tried to give the presentation, but I was too nervous
정화기를 고치려니까 부품을 찾을 수 없었어요
= I tried to fix the filter, but I couldn’t find the parts
홍수를 방재하려니까 지진의 위험이 높아졌어요
= We tried to prevent against the flood, but the danger of an earthquake happening went up
문을 두드리려니까 갑자기 손이 떨려서 못 했어요
= I tried to knock on the door, but suddenly my hand was shaking so I couldn’t do it
빛나는 별을 보려니까 깊은 산속에 들어가야 돼서 못 갔어요
= We wanted to go see the shining stars, but we had to go deep into the forest so we didn’t go
분리수거를 하려니까 애완동물이 갑자기 놀아 달라고 했어요
= I tried to separate the recycling, but suddenly my pet kept asking me to play
정화기를 설치하려니까 혼자서 할 수 없어서 친구를 불렀어요
= I tried to install the filter, but I couldn’t do it alone, so I called a friend
애완동물을 키우려니까 농사철에는 애완동물을 돌볼 시간이 부족해요
= I tried to raise pets, but during the farming season, I don’t have enough time
Usage 2:
The speaker indicates intention in the first clause and the result of the intention in the second clause. This is in line with the two meanings described above, as ~(으)려 indicates the intention of the speaker and ~(으)니까 provides information to affect the next clause.
사람들을 웃기려니까 농담을 준비했어요
= I tried to be funny, so I prepared some jokes
하루만에 시차를 극복하려니까 너무 피곤했어요
= I tried to overcome the time change in just one day, so I was so tired
출판물을 준비하려니까 자료를 많이 모아야 해요
= I tried to prepare the publication, so I had to gather a lot of materials
새 출판사를 찾으려니까 여러 출판물을 읽어 봤어요
= I tried to find a new publisher, so I read various publications
경쟁자보다 앞서려니까 더 열심히 노력해야 했어요
= I tried to get ahead of my competitor, so I had to work harder
밖에서 들어오는 찬바람을 막으려니까 테이프가 필요했어요
= I tried to block the cold wind blowing from the outside, so I needed tape
그 사람의 말투를 이해하려니까 사투리 공부를 더 해야 됐어요
= I tried to understand his way of speaking, so I had to study dialects more
경쟁자보다 앞서려니까 무리해서 일을 해서 몸이 안 좋아졌어요
= I tried to get ahead of my competitor, and by working too hard now my body isn’t good
In a similar manner to these types of sentences, the first clause can be a prediction of what is going to happen, and the second clause can be the action that will happen as a result of this prediction. For example:
홍수가 곧 나려니까 지금부터 방재해야 돼요
= A flood will likely come soon, so we need to start prevention now
친구가 곧 도착하려니까 여기서 조금 더 기다리자
= Our friend will arrive soon, so let’s wait here a bit longer
코뿔소가 이제 곧 나타나려니까 여기에서 빨리 도망가자
= The rhinoceros is about to appear, so let’s get out of here quickly
That’s it for this lesson!