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~기에 and ~길래: To do an action in reaction to an experience
겉옷 = outer clothing
이것은 겉옷이 아니라 내복이에요
= This is not outer clothing but underwear
요즘에는 일교차가 심하길래 항상 겉옷을 가지고 다녀요
= These days, the daily temperature difference is severe, so I always bring my outerwear (jacket) when I go outside
필수 = compulsory
Common Usages:
필수 과목 = compulsory subject
이 수업은 모든 학생들이 필히 수강해야 하는 필수 수업이에요
= This class is a mandatory class that each student must take
몸과 마음을 튼튼하게 하기 위해서는 운동이 필수예요
= In order for your body and mind to be robust/strong, exercise is a necessity
독감주사가 필수라고 하길래 저도 맞았어요
= They say that the flu shot is a necessity, so I also got it
엉망 = a mess
앞머리가 엉망이라서 머리띠를 해야 돼요
= My bangs are messy so I need to wear a hairband
사람들이 그 공연이 엉망이라고 하길래
= Because people say that it is a mess
의상 = outfit
오늘의 의상을 특별한 행사를 위해 제작했어요
= Today’s outfit is specially designed for the special occasion
그 의상이 파티에 제일 적절하길래 그 의상을 골랐어요
= That outfit is the most appropriate for the party, so I chose that one
창구 = a window/counter for people to inquire about something
Common Usages:
은행 창구 = bank counter
창구에서 입금을 해야 해요
= You need to make a deposit at the counter
모든 창구에 은행원들이 상담 중이길래 다른 은행으로 갔어요
= As the tellers at every counter were servicing customers, I went to another bank
은행원 = a bank teller, bank clerk
은행원은 고객에게 은행 업무를 도와줘요
= Bank tellers assist customers with bank transactions
모든 창구에 은행원들이 상담 중이길래 다른 은행으로 갔어요
= As the tellers at every counter were servicing customers, I went to another bank
일교차 = difference in temperature in a day
오늘은 일교차가 심한 날씨였어요
= Today’s weather had a significant difference in temperature throughout the day
요즘에는 일교차가 심하길래 항상 겉옷을 가지고 다녀요
= These days, the daily temperature difference is severe, so I always bring my outerwear (jacket) when I go outside
방충망 = a screen to keep bugs out
방충망이 망가졌길래 아빠에게 고쳐 달라고 부탁했어요
= The screen was broken, so I asked dad to fix it (for me)
방충망을 설치하면 모기로부터 안전하게 지낼 수 있어요
= Installing screens keeps you safe from mosquitoes
제왕절개 = Caesarean section surgery
Notes: When giving birth naturally, the words 자연 분만 are used.
Common Usages:
응급 제왕 = emergency C-section surgery
자연분만이 제왕절개보다 회복이 빨라서 더 좋아요
= The recovery of a natural birth is faster than a C-section, so it is better
자연분만이 제왕절개보다 회복이 빠르길래 이번에도 자연분만하기로 했어요
= The recovery of a natural birth is faster than a C-section, so this time as well, I have decided to give birth naturally
양반다리 = cross-legged
오늘은 오랜 시간 양반다리로 앉아 있었더니 다리가 저리네요
= I sat cross-legged for a long time today, and now my legs are numb
양반다리를 하고 앉길래 당신의 자세가 불편하다고 생각했어요
= You were sitting cross-legged, so I thought you were uncomfortable
선전하다 = to advertise for
제가 좋아하는 연예인이 선전을 하길래 그 제품을 샀어요
= A celebrity that I like is advertising that product, so I bought it
제품을 잘 홍보하기 위해서는 다양한 방법으로 선전을 해야 해요
= To promote a product well, you need to advertise it in various ways
조립하다 = to assemble
Common Usages:
블록을 조립하다 = assemble blocks (Lego)
가구를 조립하다 = assemble furniture
IKEA가구는 쉽게 조립할 수 있다 하길래 저도 IKEA 가구를 샀어요
= They say that IKEA furniture is easy to assemble, so I also bought some
가구를 조립하는 데 시간이 걸렸지만, 마침내 완성했어요
= It took time to assemble the furniture, but I finally finished it
우승하다 = to win the championship
Common Usages:
우승팀 = winning team
우승 상금 = championship prize money
그 두 팀은 다음 주에 우승을 겨룰 거예요
= Those two teams will compete for the championship next week
오늘 총 10명의 도전자가 작년 우승자와 대결을 할 거예요
= Today, ten challengers in total will face the champion from last year
드디어 오늘 세계 최강의 선수를 쓰러뜨리고 우승했어요
= Today, I finally knocked down the strongest athlete and won the championship
그 대회에서 최종적으로 우승한 사람은 우리 학교 학생이었어요
= The last person to win that competition was a student from our school
제 친구가 시합에서 우승을 했길래 친구를 축하해 줬어요
= My friend won the championship in a competition, so I congratulated him
귀화하다 = to naturalize
Notes: It is difficult to 귀화 to Korea, but it is possible! It’s something I hope to do in the next few years as I’ve spent my entire adult and working life in Korea, and have raised two children here.
제가 한국으로 왜 귀화하고 싶다고 생각해요?
= What made you think that I want to naturalize to (become a) Korean?
저의 아들이 국적을 변경하여 외국 국민으로 귀화했어요
= My son changed his nationality and naturalized as a foreign citizen
강추하다 = to strongly recommend
Notes: This is a Korean style portmanteau of 강하게 추천하다.
이 영화는 꼭 보셨으면 좋겠어요. 강추해요!
= I highly recommend watching this movie. I strongly recommend it!
분만하다 = to give birth
Common Usages:
분만실 = birthing room
자연분만이 제왕절개보다 회복이 빨라서 더 좋아요
= The recovery of a natural birth is faster than a c-section, so it is better
어제 친구가 건강한 아기를 분만했어요
= Yesterday, my friend gave birth to a healthy baby
쓰다 = to be bitter
이 약은 매우 쓰지만 효과가 있어요
= This medicine is very bitter, but it’s effective
친구가 진한 커피를 시켰는데 너무 쓰다고 했길래 저는 은은한 향이 나는 차를 시켰어요
= My friend ordered a strong coffee, but said it was too bitter, so I ordered a light scented tea
순하다 = to be gentle, meek
Common Usages:
순한 화장품 = mild cosmetics
그 학생의 성격은 매우 순해서 모두가 좋아해요
= That student has a very gentle personality, so everyone likes him
강아지가 아주 순해 보이길래 잠깐 쓰다듬었어요
= The puppy looked so tame, so I pet it for a short time
괴롭다 = to be painful, to be distressing
이 근무 환경은 정말 괴로워요
= This working environment is really painful
임신 초기에는 온갖 냄새가 괴로울 수도 있다고 하길래 저는 밖에 안 나갔어요
= They say that during the early stages of pregnancy, various kinds of smells can be painful (it is hard to stand the smell of various things), so I didn’t go outside
탱탱하다 = to be tight, taut
피부가 아주 탱탱해 보이길래
= Because your skin (on your face) looks so nice/tight
이 마스크팩을 사용하면 피부가 탱탱해져요
= If you use this mask pack, your skin will feel firm
적절하다 = to be appropriate, suitable
Common Usages:
시기적절하다 = to be the right timing
적절한 도구가 있으면 저는 무엇이든지 만들 수 있어요
= I can make anything if I have the right tools
적절한 양의 지방을 먹는 것은 우리 몸에 매우 중요해요
= It is very important to our body to eat the proper amount of fat
때로는 적절한 비평도 삶을 사는데 필요해요
= Sometimes you also need some appropriate criticism in your life
부사를 적절히 잘 사용하면 문자의 의미를 더 명확하게 전달 할 수 있어요
= If you use adverbs appropriately, you convey the meaning of your sentence more precisely
진하다 = to be thick, strong
Common Usages:
커피가 진하다 = for coffee to be strong
향수냄새가 진하다 = for the smell of perfume to be strong
그 여자가 입술에 빨간 립스틱을 진하게 발랐어요
= That girl put a lot of (thickly) red lipstick on her lips
친구가 진한 커피를 시켰는데 너무 쓰다고 했길래 저는 은은한 향이 나는 차를 시켰어요
= My friend ordered a strong coffee, but said it was too bitter, so I ordered a light scented tea
은은하다 = to be light in scent, color, taste
이 향기는 은은하고 상쾌해서 마음이 편안해져요
= This scent is light and refreshing, making you feel relaxed
친구가 진한 커피를 시켰는데 너무 쓰다고 했길래 저는 은은한 향이 나는 차를 시켰어요
= My friend ordered a strong coffee, but said it was too bitter, so I ordered a light scented tea
믿음직하다 = to be trustworthy
Common Usages:
믿음직한 친구 = trustworthy friend
그 친구가 내 친구들 중에 가장 믿음직하길래
= Because, of all of my friends, (I’ve found that) he is the most trustworthy
우리 아빠는 항상 믿음직한 사람으로 알려져 있어요
= Our dad is always known as a trustworthy person
Adverbs and Other Words:
온갖 = all kinds of
Common Usage:
온갖 잡동사니 = all kinds of junk
오빠의 방에는 온갖 잡동사니가 쌓여 있었어요
= My brother’s room was full of all kinds of junk
임신 초기에는 온갖 냄새가 괴로울 수도 있다고 하길래 저는 밖에 안 나갔어요
= They say that during the early stages of pregnancy, various kinds of smells can be painful (it is hard to stand the smell of various things), so I didn’t go outside
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In this lesson, you will learn about ~기에 and ~길래. These grammatical principles are used to create a meaning of “so” or “because,” which often leads learners of Korean confused with how these may be different than ~아/어서. I will dissect this in this lesson! Let’s get started.
~기에 and ~길래: To do an action in reaction to an experience
Attaching ~기에 to a verb or adjective indicates that one does an action because of the clause before ~기에. This would usually translate to “so…” or “because…” in English. For example:
소고기가 마트에서 할인하기에 많이 사 왔어요
= Beef was on sale at the supermarket, so I bought a lot of it
그 여자가 너무 예쁘기에 전화번호를 물어봤어요
= That girl was very pretty, so I asked for her number
In speech, ~기에 is more commonly said as ~길래. Indeed, ~길래 is a more colloquial way to say ~기에. For example:
소고기가 마트에서 할인하길래 많이 사 왔어요
= Beef was on sale at the supermarket, so I bought a lot of it
그 여자가 너무 예쁘길래 전화번호를 물어봤어요
= That girl was very pretty, so I asked for her number
For the remainder of this lesson I will refer only to ~길래, as I feel it is much more common. Keep in mind that ~기에 can be used to have the same meaning, but would more likely be used in writing or formal situations.
The “action” that is done is often a thought. Of course, 생각하다 is an action, so this makes sense. However, I wanted to point this out specifically because often times a person thinks something because of the clause before ~길래. For example:
양반다리를 하고 앉길래 당신의 자세가 불편하다고 생각했어요
= You were sitting cross-legged, so I thought you were uncomfortable
The most natural question that any learner has at this point is: what is the difference between ~길래 and other ways to indicate reason. There are so many ways to indicate causality or “reason” in Korean. For example, using ~아/어서 as indicated in Lesson 37:
저는 배가 고파서 밥을 많이 먹고 싶어요
= I am hungry, so I want to eat a lot
I would like to explain how ~길래 differs from ~아/어서, and in doing so, explain how you can distinguish the usage of ~길래.
Let’s look at the following exchange between two Korean people:
Person 1: 옆구리가 아파 = My side is hurting
Person 2: 왜? = Why?
Person 1: 빨리 걸어서… = Because we’re (I’m) walking fast
Conversation Audio.
The use of ~아/어서 indicates that Person 1’s side is hurting because of how fast he is walking. It would be unnatural to replace 걸어서 with 걷길래 here.
~길래 is placed on a verb or adjective that one directly experiences (usually by doing, seeing or hearing). That experience then leads the speaker to do a particular action or think a particular way.
Let’s change the conversation above slightly so that ~길래 could be used:
Person 1 sees Person 2 walking fast
Person 1: 바빠? = Are you busy?
Person 2: 아니, 왜? = No, why?
Person 1: 빨리 걷길래… = Because you’re walking fast
The use of ~길래 indicates that Person 1 experiences Person 2 walking fast. This leads him to think that Person 2 is busy.
Here’s another example:
자연분만이 제왕절개보다 회복이 빨라서 더 좋아요
= The recovery of a natural birth is faster than a c-section, so it is better
In this sentence, 빠르길래 could not replace ~빨라서. The end of the sentence above is an adjective, and therefore, the speaker did not do any action because of the previous clause.
Let’s change the sentence above slightly so that ~길래 could be used:
자연분만이 제왕절개보다 회복이 빠르길래 이번에도 자연분만하기로 했어요
= The recovery of a natural birth is faster than a C-section, so this time as well, I have decided to give birth naturally
With this sentence comes the presumption that the speaker has the experience of giving birth (both naturally and via C-section). This experience leads her to do the action of “deciding to give birth naturally.”
If the sentence changed a little bit, ~길래 could also denote that the speaker experienced this fact through hearing or seeing that the recovery of a natural birth is faster. For example:
친구가 자연분만을 했는데 제왕절개보다 회복이 빠르다고 하길래 저도 자연분만을 할 거예요
= My friend said that the recovery of a natural birth is faster than a c-section, so I too will give birth naturally
Below are many more examples. Notice that it is hard to translate the specific feeling of ~길래 and how it differs from other grammatical principles that would also translate to “because” or “so…” In all cases, keep in mind its usage as described above.
독감주사가 필수라고 하길래 저도 맞았어요
= They say that the flu shot is a necessity, so I also got it
강아지가 아주 순해 보이길래 잠깐 쓰다듬었어요
= The puppy looked so tame, so I pet it for a short time
제 친구가 요가를 같이 하자고 하길래 그렇자고 했어요
= My friend suggested that we do yoga together, so I agreed
그 의상이 파티에 제일 적절하길래 그 의상을 골랐어요
= That outfit is the most appropriate for the party, so I chose that one
방충망이 망가졌길래 아빠에게 고쳐 달라고 부탁했어요
= The screen was broken, so I asked dad to fix it (for me)
요즘에는 일교차가 심하길래 항상 겉옷을 가지고 다녀요
= These days, the daily temperature difference is severe, so I always bring my outerwear (jacket) when I go outside
제가 좋아하는 연예인이 선전을 하길래 그 제품을 샀어요
= A celebrity that I like is advertising that product, so I bought it
제 친구가 시합에서 우승을 했길래 친구를 축하해 줬어요
= My friend won the championship in a competition, so I congratulated him
모든 창구에 은행원들이 상담 중이길래 다른 은행으로 갔어요
= As the tellers at every counter were servicing customers, I went to another bank
IKEA가구는 쉽게 조립할 수 있다 하길래 저도 IKEA 가구를 샀어요
= They say that IKEA furniture is easy to assemble, so I also bought some
임신 초기에는 온갖 냄새가 괴로울 수도 있다고 하길래 저는 밖에 안 나갔어요
= They say that during the early stages of pregnancy, various kinds of smells can be painful (it is hard to stand the smell of various things), so I didn’t go outside
친구가 진한 커피를 시켰는데 너무 쓰다고 했길래 저는 은은한 향이 나는 차를 시켰어요
= My friend ordered a strong coffee, but said it was too bitter, so I ordered a light scented tea
As exemplified at the beginning of the lesson, often times ~길래 is used at the end of a sentence. This would be said in response “why” somebody does an action. More specifically, in response to what experience (of doing, seeing or hearing) led the person to do an action.
One way that you could translate the question in these types of sentences would be to use “what made you…” For example:
Person 1: 왜 그 식당에서 먹었어요? = What made you eat at that restaurant?
Person 2: 친구가 자꾸 강추했길래… = (…because) A friend kept recommending it….
Conversation Audio.
… Or “what made you think?”
Person 1: 제가 한국으로 왜 귀화하고 싶다고 생각해요? = What made you think that I want to naturalize to (become a) Korean?
Person 2: 그냥 한국에서 오래 살길래… = Just because you’ve been living in Korea for so long…
Conversation Audio.
Here are more examples:
Person 1: 왜 공연 표를 취소했어? = Why did you cancel your concert ticket?
Person 2: 사람들이 그 공연이 엉망이라고 하길래 = Because people say that it is a mess
Conversation Audio.
Person 1: 오늘 얼굴에 어떤 로션을 발랐어? = What lotion did you put on your face today?
Person 2: 오늘 화장을 안 했는데. 갑자기 왜? = Why? I didn’t put any lotion on today…
Person 1: 피부가 아주 탱탱해 보이길래 = Because your skin (on your face) looks so nice/tight
Conversation Audio.
Person 1: 왜 그 친구한테만 비밀을 말했어? = Why did you tell your secret only to that friend?
Person 2: 그 친구가 내 친구들 중에 가장 믿음직하길래 = Because, of all of my friends, (I’ve found that) he is the most trustworthy
Conversation Audio.
That’s it for this lesson!