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Lesson 128: Leaving an action in its completed state with 놓다, and an organization of 나다

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To Complete an Action and Leave it in that State: ~아/어 놓다
Organization and Review of the Many Usages of 나다




자석 = magnet

Common Usages:
전자석 = electromagnet

그 자석은 냉장고에 붙어 있었어요
= The magnet was stuck on the refrigerator door

자석을 냉장고에 그냥 붙여 놓았어요
= I just stuck the magnet onto the fridge

혜택 = benefit

이 카드로 어떤 혜택을 받을 수 있는지 기억 안 나요
= I forget which benefits I can get from using this card

신용카드마다 혜택이 달라서 꼼꼼히 비교해서 만들어야 해요
= The benefits for each credit card are different so you need to meticulously compare them before signing up

수압 = water pressure

Common Usages:
수압이 세다 = for water pressure to be strong
수압이 약하다 = for water pressure to be weak

수압이 너무 낮아서 우리 집에서 샤워를 하면 짜증이 나요
= It is annoying showing at my house because the water pressure is too low

수압이 너무 낮아서 우리 집에서 샤워를 하면 짜증이 나요
= It is annoying showering at my house because the water pressure is too low

가발 = wig, toupee

Common Usages:
부분가발 = partial toupee
가발을 쓰다 = to wear a toupee

그녀는 가발을 써서 머리스타일을 바꿨어요
= She changed her hair by wearing a wig

저 아저씨가 가발을 쓰는 것은 티가 나요
= It is obvious that that man is wearing a wig

두통 = headache

Common Usages:
두통약 = headache medicine
편두통 = migraine
두통이 심하다 = to have a severe headache

이 약은 두통을 동반할 수도 있으니 이 약을 먹은 후 커피를 마시지 마세요
= Head pain can be accompanied (as a side effect, for example) with this medicine, so after taking this medicine, don’t drink coffee

이 산의 정점에 도착하면 고도가 높아서 두통이 생길 수도 있을 것 같아
= When you get to the summit of this mountain, the altitude is so high that you might get a headache

대추 = date (the fruit)

Common Usages:
대추차 = date tea

대추를 물에다가 잠깐 담가 놓아야 돼요 = You need to let the dates soak in water briefly
이 대추에서 왜 이렇게 이상한 냄새가 나요? = Why does this date smell strange like this?

이불 = blanket

Common Usages:
이불을 펴다 = to unfold a blanket
이불에 싸이다 = to be wrapped up in a blanket
이불을 개다 = to fold a blanket (common in Korea to fold a blanket and put it in a wardrobe)
솜이불 = cotton blanket

이불을 다 저기에 넣었어요
= I put the blankets there

저는 이 주에 한번씩 이불커버를 갈아요
= I change my blanket cover once every two weeks

이불을 털었더니 먼지가 날렸어요
= I shook the blanket and dust went flying

매일 밤 잠자기 전에 저는 바닥에 이불을 펴요
= Every night before I go to bed I unfold a blanket onto the floor

애기가 이불에 완전히 싸여 있어서 너무 귀여워 보였어요
= The baby was completely wrapped in the blankets so he looked so cute

오래된 이불을 덮고 잤더니 왠지 몸에서 스멀스멀 벌레가 기어 다니는 것 같았다
= After sleeping with an old blanket, for some reason my body feels like I’ve got bugs crawling around it

어르신 = elderly people

저 가수는 목소리가 곱고 맑아서 어르신들이 특히 좋아해요
= That singer’s voice is so beautiful and clear, he is particularly liked among older people

어르신들을 존경하지 않으면 큰 일 날 거예요
= If you/we don’t respect elders, there will be big problems/issues

국회의원 = a member of congress

새로 뽑힌 국회의원은 내일부터 실권을 행사할 수 있어요
= The newly chosen congressman can use his power starting tomorrow

만약 그 국회의원이 당선되면 엄청 큰 문제가 날 거예요
= If that member of congress gets elected, there will be big problems

= obvious-nous

선생님이 수업을 하다가 갑자기 교장선생님이 뜻밖에 들어오셔서 선생님이 긴장한 것이 티가 났어요
= When the principal unexpectedly entered the classroom as the teacher was doing class, it was obvious that the teacher was nervous

저 아저씨가 가발을 쓰는 것은 티가 나요
= It is obvious that that man is wearing a toupee

싫증 = the feeling of “getting sick of” something

Common Usages:
쉽게 싫증을 내다 = to get sick of something easily

이 음식을 너무 많이 먹어서 싫증이 나요
= I’m getting sick of eating this food too much

저는 이제 그 선생님에게 싫증이 나서 그 수업을 듣고 싶지 않아요
= I am sick of that teacher, so I don’t want to go to (listen to) that class

정전 = power outage

Common Usages:
정전이 되다 = for a power outage to occur

우리 동네는 최근에 정전이 자주 일어났어요
= There have been frequent power outages in our neighborhood recently

비가 많이 내려서 정전이 났어요
= The power went out because a lot of rain fell

= fear

Common Usages:
겁을 먹다 = to be afraid
겁을 내다 = to be afraid
겁을 주다 = to scare

밖이 갑자기 어두워지고 저는 겁이 나서 커튼을 닫아 놓았어요
= Outside got dark all of a sudden, and I was scared so I closed the curtains

저는 무서운 것을 보자마자 겁이 나서 눈을 감아야 돼요
= When I see something scary, I get very scared so I have to close my eyes

저는 어렸을 때 아주 용감했지만 지금은 겁이많아요
= I used to be brave when I was young, but now I am full of fear

겁쟁이 = coward (somebody who is scared a lot or easily)

그는 겁쟁이라서 새로운 도전을 시도하지 않아요
= He’s a coward, so he doesn’t attempt new challenges

친구들이 저를 겁쟁이라고 놀릴 때마다 기분이 나빠요
= Every time my friends make fun of me by calling me a coward I get upset

개다 = to fold a blanket, laundry, towels

Common Usages:
이불을 개다 = to fold a blanket
수건을 개다 = to fold a towel

아침마다 이불을 개지 않으면 엄마가 화를 내요
= My mom gets mad at me If I don’t fold the blanket in the morning

집을 정리하려고 해서 이불을 개 놓아 주세요
= I am trying to organize the house, so fold up the blanket please

달래다 = to soothe, to calm down

아기가 너무 울어서 달래기 힘들었어요
= It was hard to soothe the baby because he was crying so much

애기를 달래고 나서 집을 청소를 해 놓았어요
= After calming/soothing the baby, I cleaned up the house

답변하다 = to answer

Common Usages:
솔직한 답변 = an honest answer

질문에 대한 답변을 작성했어요
= I wrote down the answers to the questions

학생들에게 질문을 물어봤는데 학생들이 답변하지 않아서 저는 화가 났어요
= I asked a question to the students, but I got mad because they didn’t answer

고백하다 = to confess

누군가를 좋아한다면, 고민하지 말고 용기를 가지고 고백해 보세요
= If you like somebody, don’t stress about it, pick up your courage and try confessing

현재 나는 민호와 하루하루를 좋은 추억을 쌓으면서 행복하게 지내고 있다. 세상에 고백을 망설이고 있는 모든 사람들에게 말하고 싶다.
= Now, day after day I happily pass the time piling up good memories with Minho. I want to say something to everybody who hesitates in confessing (what they want to say).

내가 제일 좋아하는 장은 바로 주인공이 사랑하는 사람에게 고백하는 장이야
= My favorite chapter is the one where the main character confesses to the person he loves

편애하다 = to favor somebody

그 회사는 일부 직원을 편애하고 있어요
= The company is favoring some employees

저는 그 학생을 편애해서 생일 날에 그 학생을 위해 선물을 준비해 놓았어요
= I favor that student, so on her birthday I prepared a present for her

주무르다 = to massage, to rub

Common Usages:
어깨를 주무르다 = to massage one’s shoulders

이렇게 주무르면 도움이 되나요?
= Is it helpful if I rub it like this?

종아리를 주무르기 전에 이 로션을 발라 놓았어요
= Before rubbing my calf, I put this lotion on it

마사지를 받을 때 마사지를 해 주는 사람이 오일을 바르고 나서 몸 전체를 주물러요
= When you get a massage, the person giving the massage applies oil and then rubs your whole body

당선되다 = to win an election

그 대통령이 당선됐을 때부터 실업률이 많이 떨어졌어요
= The unemployment rate dropped a lot since that president was elected

만약 그 국회의원이 당선되면 엄청 큰 문제가 날 거예요
= If that member of congress gets elected, there will be big problems

당첨되다 = to win the lottery

Common Usages:
복권에 당첨되다 = to win the lottery
로또에 당첨되다

저는 복권에 당첨되면 바로 세계여행을 떠날 거예요
= If I won the lottery I would travel the world right away

우연히 산 복권이 당첨이 돼서 하루 아침에 부자가 되게 됐어요
= Luckily, the lottery ticket I bought won, so in a morning I ended up becoming rich

만약 제가 로또가 당첨되면 저는 돈을 다 은행에 넣어 놓고 싶어요
= If I win the lottery, I want to put all of my money in the bank

그 남자는 복권에 당첨되자마자 돈을 펑펑 쓰기 시작했어요
= As soon as that man won the lottery, he splurged it all right away

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In this lesson, you will learn how to add ~아/어 놓다 to a verb to indicate that one does an action and the completed state of that action continues. In addition, you will look back at the many ways 나다 can be used and also learn a few more. Let’s get started!




To Complete an Action and Leave it in that State: ~/ 놓다

By attaching ~아/어 놓다 to a verb, you can indicate that one completes an action and leaves it in that state. We can use the verb 열다 (to open) to demonstrate this meaning easily. Imagine somebody tells you to open the door. They could say:

문을 열어 = Open the door

Depending on the context, the command might be asking you to open the door, and to keep it opened – or to open the door, and to close it (presumably when somebody walks in to the room or something).

However, by attaching ~아/어 놓다 to 열다, we can create 열어 놓다. For example:

문을 열어 놓아 = Open the door (and keep it open)

Here, the command is specifically to leave the door in the state that it was in when the action (of “opening”) was finished.

The above example shows how ~아/어 놓다 can be used with a command, but the sentence doesn’t need to be a command for this to be used. For example, one day my wife prepared me dinner because she knew we wouldn’t be able to eat it with me because of her busy schedule. While I was eating dinner, her mother (my mother in law) called me worried because she thought I would have nothing to eat at home without my wife (it’s common for Korean people to worry about grown adults not being able to make themselves food). In response to her asking “what did you eat for dinner?” I responded:

슬기가 저녁을 다 준비해 놓았어요 = Seulgi prepared dinner (and left it ready for me to eat)

Here, I was telling my mother in law that not only did Seulgi “make/prepare dinner,” but she also left it ready for me in the state that it was when she finished.

Below are many examples. Like most Korean grammatical principles that have a subtle meaning, it is sometimes hard to express the meaning that  ~아/어 놓다 creates when translating the sentence to English. Try to keep that in mind when reading the English translations:

저는 짐을 벌써 차에 실어 놓았어요
= I already loaded all of the luggage/bags into the car

자석을 냉장고에 그냥 붙여 놓았어요
= I just stuck the magnet onto the fridge

저는 자켓을 옷걸이에 걸어 놓았어요
= I hung my jacket on the clothes hanger

대추를 물에다가 잠깐 담가 놓아야 돼요
= You need to let the dates soak in water briefly

애기를 달래고 나서 집을 청소를 해 놓았어요
= After calming/soothing the baby, I cleaned up the house

수압이 너무 세서 수도꼭지를 잠가 놓으세요
= The water pressure is too strong, so turn off (“lock”) the faucet

집을 정리하려고 해서 이불을 개 놓아 주세요
= I am trying to organize the house, so fold up the blanket please

종아리를 주무르기 전에 이 로션을 발라 놓았어요
= Before rubbing my calf, I put this lotion on it

밖이 갑자기 어두워지고 저는 겁이 나서 커튼을 닫아 놓았어요
= Outside got dark all of a sudden, and I was scared so I closed the curtains

만약 제가 로또가 당첨되면 저는 돈을 다 은행에 넣어 놓고 싶어요
= If I win the lottery, I want to put all of my money in the bank

저는 그 학생을 편애해서 생일 날에 그 학생을 위해 선물을 준비해 놓았어요
= I favor that student, so on her birthday I prepared a present for her

There is also the word 내놓다, which is a word on its own. It refers to taking something (usually garbage) out and leaving it outside. I talk about this usage in a YouTube video.


It is often common for 놓아 to be shortened to 놔. This is an official abbreviation, and it is very common in speech because it flows off the tongue better than “놓아.” Therefore, any of the sentences above could be said or written as ~아/어 놔. For example:

저는 자켓을 옷걸이에 걸어 놔
= I hung my jacket on the clothes hanger

대추를 물에다가 잠깐 담가 놔야 돼요
= You need to let the dates soak in water briefly

Remember that 놔 is an abbreviation of 놓아, and therefore, 놔다 is technically not a word. “놔” is often pronounced as simply “나,” so it is common for people to think that a Korean person is saying something like “열어 나,” when instead he/she is saying “열어 놓아.”


Speaking of 나다 – throughout my lessons you have seen “나다” used in many different ways. Few words are more diverse in their usage than 나다. Something I’ve wanted to do for a while is organize the usages of 나다 for you – I just haven’t had a good place to do it. Well, this looks like a good place, as I’m already talking about 나다 and this lesson has been fairly short and easy so far. Let’s talk about this next.


Organization and Review of the Many Usages of 나다

The verb 나다 is one of the most versatile verbs in Korean. Depending on the noun it is acting on, 나다 could have over one hundred different meanings. That being said, most of these usages involve something “coming up” or “arising.” In general, something didn’t exist before “나다” is used, and it now exists.

Below is a list of many nouns being used with 나다. In some cases, you were explicitly taught that these nouns are often paired with 나다. In other cases, I may have not taught you this specifically, but you may have seen these nouns used with 나다 in example sentences in earlier lessons.

생각이 나다 = to think about (for a “thought” to come up)
친구의 아버지의 장례식에 갔는데 자꾸 작년에 우리 돌아가신 아버지 생각이 났어요
= I went to my friend’s father’s funeral, and I kept thinking of my father who passed away last year

기억이 나다 = to remember (for a “memory” to come up)
이 카드로 어떤 혜택을 받을 수 있는지 기억 안 나요
= I forget which benefits I can get from using this card

화가 나다 = to be/get angry (for “anger” to come up)
학생들에게 질문을 물어봤는데 학생들이 답변하지 않아서 저는 화가 났어요
= I asked a question to the students, but I got mad because they didn’t answer

짜증이 나다 = to be/get annoyed (for “the feeling of being annoyed” to come up)
수압이 너무 낮아서 우리 집에서 샤워를 하면 짜증이 나요
= It is annoying showing at my house because the water pressure is too low

소리가 나다 = for a sound to be made (for a “sound” to come up)
초인종을 눌렀지만 집 안에서 아무런 소리가 안 나서 그냥 집에 갔어요
= I pressed/rang the doorbell, but there was no (sort of) sound from inside the house so I just went home

냄새가 나다 = for something to smell (for a “smell” to come up)
이 대추에서 왜 이렇게 이상한 냄새가 나요?
= Why does this date smell strange like this?

피가 나다 = to bleed (for “blood” to come up)
저는 손가락을 실수로 베서 피가 났어요
= I cut my finger by accident so it was bleeding

눈물이 나다 = to cry (for “tears” to come up)
어떤 학생이 시험을 잘 못 보고 눈물이 났어요
= Some student didn’t do well on the exam so he cried

땀이 나다 = to sweat (for “sweat” to come up)
이불을 덮고 자는데 너무 더워서 땀이 났어요
= I slept with a blanket, but it was so hot so I was sweating

문제가 나다 = for there to be a problem (for a “problem” to come up)
만약 그 국회의원이 당선되면 엄청 큰 문제가 날 거예요
= If that member of congress gets elected, there will be big problems

사고가 나다 = for an accident to happen (for an “accident” to come up)
차를 그렇게 빨리 운전하면 사고가 날 거예요
= If you drive a car fast like that, you will get into an accident

큰 일이 나다 = for something big/terrible to happen (for a “big issue” to come up)
어르신들을 존경하지 않으면 큰 일 날 거예요
= If you/we don’t respect elders, there will be big problems/issues

전쟁이 나다 = for a war to break out (for a “war” to come up)
그 나라에서 1800년에 전쟁이 났어요
= A war broke out in the year 1800 in that country

차이가 나다 = for there to be a difference (for a “difference” to come up)
그 반의 성적과 이 반의 성적에 차이가 엄청 많이 나요
= There is a big difference between the grades of that class and this class

기침이 나다 = to have a cough (for a “cough” to come up)
담배를 처음으로 피우니 바로 기침이 났어요
= I tried cigarettes (smoking) for the first time and coughed

열이 나다 = to have a fever (for a “fever” to come up)
우리 애기가 열이 많이 나서 병원에 가야겠어요
= Our baby has a high fever, so we will have to go to the hospital

구멍 나다 = for there to be a hole in something (for a “hole” to come up)
저의 바지에 구멍이 나서 엄마한테 혼날 것 같아요
= My mom is going to get mad at me because there is a hole in my pants

시간이 나다 = for there to be time (for “time” to come up)
시간이 나면 만나서 맛있는 것을 먹자
= If you have time, let’s meet and eat something delicious

고장이 나다 = for something to break
저 컴퓨터가 고장이 나서 다른 컴퓨터를 써야 됩니다
= You have to use another computer because that one is broken

실감이 나다 = for something to feel real (for “the feeling of something being real” to come up)
제가 이번 주말에 여행한다니 실감이 아직 안 나요
= It doesn’t feel real that I am going to go traveling this weekend

쥐가 나다 = to have a cramp (for a “cramp” to come up)
제가 스트레칭을 안 하고 바로 운동을 하다가 갑자기 다리에 쥐가 났어요
= I suddenly got a cramp in my leg while exercising because I didn’t stretch and exercised right away

용기가 나다 = to have courage (for “courage” to come up)
원래 그 여자랑 얘기하는 게 너무 무서웠지만 지금은 갑자기 용기가 났어요
= Originally I was too scared to talk with that girl, but now all of a sudden I have courage

Below you can see sentences with 나다 acting on nouns that I haven’t introduced in this course yet. As we are organizing the usages of 나다, this is a good time to introduce these words to you. You can find these nouns in the vocabulary list of this lesson as well:

정전이 나다 = for the power to go out
비가 많이 내려서 정전이 났어요
= The power went out because a lot of rain fell

티가 나다 = for something to be obvious
저 아저씨가 가발을 쓰는 것은 티가 나요
= It is obvious that that man is wearing a toupee

겁이 나다 = to be scared (for “fear” to come up)
저는 무서운 것을 보자마자 겁이 나서 눈을 감아야 돼요
= When I see something scary, I get very scared so I have to close my eyes

싫증이 나다 = to get sick of (for “the feeling of getting sick of something” to come up)
저는 이제 그 선생님에게 싫증이 나서 그 수업을 듣고 싶지 않아요
= I am sick of that teacher, so I don’t want to go to (listen to) that class

In Lesson 17, you also saw 나다 used with ~아/서 and placed ~고 to indicate that one action occurs after another. For example:

마사지를 받을 때 마사지를 해 주는 사람이 오일을 바르고 나서 몸 전체를 주물러요
= When you get a massage, the person giving the massage applies oil and then rubs your whole body

That’s just a quick organization of 나다. I hope you find it useful.

That’s it for this lesson!

Okay, got it! Take me to the next lesson!

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