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Lesson 106: Listing Possibilities/Outcomes: ~든지 (간에)

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Listing Out Possibilities/Outcomes: ~든지 (간에)
Words that ~든지 is commonly attached to




Click on the English word to see information and examples of that word in use. Use these sentences to give yourself a feel for how each word can be used, and maybe even to expose yourself to the grammar that you will be learning shortly.

A PDF file neatly presenting these words and extra information can be found here.

뱃속 = inside a stomach

뱃속에 아기가 자라고 있어서 차를 타 면 빨리 가든지 느리게 가든지 차멀미가 날 거예요
= I’m pregnant (have a baby in my belly), so if we go by car, it doesn’t matter if we go slow or fast, I am going to be car sick

뱃속에서 아이가 꼬물꼬물 움직일 때마다 임신한 것을 실감이 나요
= Every time the baby squirms in my stomach I really feel as if I am pregnant

수두 = chicken pox

Common Usages:
수두에 걸리다 = to catch the chicken pox
수두를 앓다 = to have the chicken pox

어린이가 수두에 걸려서 몸에 발진이 나타났다
= The child got chicken pox and developed a rash on his body

수두든지 아니든지 병원에 꼭 가 봐야 돼요
= Whether it is chicken pox or not, you definitely need to go to the hospital

어린이가 수두에 걸려서 몸에 발진이 나타났다
= The child got chicken pox and developed a rash on his body

보물 = treasure

Common Usages:
보물상자 = treasure box
보물섬 = treasure island
보물단지 = jar for treasure
보물지도 = treasure map
보물찾기 = treasure hunt

그 섬에 보물이 있다는 전설이 전해져 왔다
= Legend has it that there is treasure on that island

보물을 찾든지 못 찾든지 절망에 빠지면 안 돼요
= Whether we find the treasure or not, we can’t lose hope (fall into despair)

절망 = despair/hopelessness

Common Usages:
절망에 빠지다 = fall into despair

그가 이 경험을 통해 절망과 희망을 경험했어요
= Through this experience, he experienced despair and hope

보물을 찾든지 못 찾든지 절망에 빠지면 안 돼요
= Whether we find the treasure or not, we can’t lose hope (fall into despair)

정오 = noon

정오에 만나기로 했어요
= We agreed to meet at noon

야구든지 축구든지 내일 정오에 하자
= It doesn’t matter if (we play) it is baseball or soccer, let’s play tomorrow at noon

해돋이 = a sunrise

여자 친구랑 해돋이를 보러 갔더니 마음이 아주 편안해졌어요
= I went to see the sunrise with my girlfriend, and now my mind is really at ease

하와이에 가서 화산을 보러 가든지 해돋이를 보러가든지 제일 중요한 것은 안전하게 여행하는 거에요
= When you go to Hawaii, whether you go to see a volcano or go to see the sunrise, the most important thing is traveling safely

야식 = nighttime snack

Common Usages:
야식을 시키다 = order a nighttime snack

밤늦게 야식을 먹는 것은 건강에 좋지 않다
= Eating a nighttime snack late at night isn’t good for your health

제가 야식을 먹든지 말든지 이미 저녁을 많이 먹어서 살이 찔 것 같아요
= It doesn’t matter if I eat at night or not, I’ve already eaten a lot of dinner so I’m going to gain weight anyways

명함 = business card

Common Usages:
명함도 못 내밀다 = to not be able to get anywhere with a skillset
명함을 주고받다 = to exchange business cards

이 정도의 경험으로는 이 회사에 명함도 못 내밀어요
= With that level of experience, he won’t get anywhere (won’t even be able to give out his business card)

그 사람한테 명함을 주든지 말든지 그 사람이 이미 제 연락처를 가지고 있어서 상관 없어요
= It doesn’t matter if I give my business card to that person or not, he already has my contact

화산 = volcano

Common Usages:
활화산 = active volcano
휴화산 = dormant volcano
화산폭발 = volcano explosion
화산재 = volcanic ash
화산섬 = volcanic island

수천 명의 사람들이 화산폭발로 이 마을을 떠났어요
= Thousands of people left the village because of the volcano explosion

하와이에 가서 화산을 보러 가든지 해돋이를 보러가든지 제일 중요한 것은 안전하게 여행하는 거에요
= When you go to Hawaii, whether you go to see a volcano or go to see the sunrise, the most important thing is traveling safely

범위 = range/scope of something

Common Usages:
시험범위 = the scope of content for an exam
가동범위 = movable range
범위가 넓다 = for the range of something to be wide

이 범위를 공부를 하든지 말든지 여기서 시험문제가 나올 거예요
= It doesn’t matter if you study this area/part of content, there will be an exam question from this part

이 프로젝트의 범위를 확장해야 할 필요가 있다
= We need to expand the scope of this project

실감 = a realistic feeling

Common Usages:
실감이 나다 = to feel real
실감이 안 나다 = to not feel real

그 가수를 내일 만나든지 못 만나든지 곧 만난다는 것이 실감이 안 나요
= Whether I meet that singer tomorrow or not, it doesn’t feel real that I will meet her soon

제가 이번 주말에 여행한다니 실감이 아직 안 나요
= It doesn’t feel real that I am going to go traveling this weekend

뱃속에서 아이가 꼬물꼬물 움직일 때마다 임신한 것을 실감이 나요
= Every time the baby squirms in my stomach I really feel as if I am pregnant

분자 = molecule

Common Usages:
분자간 힘 = intermolecular force

원자가 결합하면 분자가 된다
= When atoms bond, they become molecules

물은 극성이 있는 분자예요
= Water is a molecule with polarity (a polar molecule)

멀미 = motion sickness

Common Usages:
차멀미 = motion sickness from a car (car sick)
배멀미 = motion sickness from a ship (sea sick)
멀미약 = medicine to prevent motion sickness
멀미가 나다 = for motion sickness to “come up”

배가 많이 흔들거려서 멀미가 났어요
= The boat rocked a lot so I was seasick

뱃속에 아기가 자라고 있어서 차를 타 면 빨리 가든지 느리게 가든지 차멀미가 날 거예요
= I’m pregnant (have a baby in my belly), so if we go by car, it doesn’t matter if we go slow or fast, I am going to be car sick

중동 = the Middle East

Common Usages:
중동문화 = middle eastern culture
중동문명 = middle eastern civilization
중동사람 = middle eastern person

중동에서 전쟁이 벌어졌어요
= A war started/came up in the Middle East

중동 지역에서는 비극적인 사건이 종종 발생해요
= Tragic events often occur in the Middle East

차멀미 = motion sickness from a car (car sick)

뱃속에 아기가 자라고 있어서 차를 타 면 빨리 가든지 느리게 가든지 차멀미가 날 거예요
= I’m pregnant (have a baby in my belly), so if we go by car, it doesn’t matter if we go slow or fast, I am going to be car sick

물놀이= playing in the water

친구들이랑 바다에서 물놀이를 했더니 스트레스가 풀렸어요
= I went to the sea with friends and played in the water, and now my stress has melted away

수영장에서 물놀이만 할 수 있으면 숙소가 좋든지 안 좋든지 애들은 신경 안 써요
= As long as you can swim, it doesn’t matter if the accommodation is good or not, the kids won’t care

내일이 휴일이라서 친구들이랑 물놀이를 하러 호숫가에 갈 거예요
= Tomorrow is a holiday, so I will go to the lake-area with my friends to play in the water

계곡에 도착하자마자 아이들은 첨벙첨벙 물놀이를 했다
= As soon as they arrived at the valley/stream, the kids splashed around and played in the water

비극적 = tragic

중동 지역에서는 비극적인 사건이 종종 발생해요
= Tragic events often occur in the Middle East

이 영화의 결말이 비극적이라 아직도 기억에 남아요
= The ending of that movie was so tragic, I still remember it

객관적 = objective

무슨 일이 벌어지든지 간에 이 문제를 객관적으로 해결해야 돼요
= Regardless of what happens, we will solve this problem objectively

그것은 객관적 판단이 필요한 문제입니다
= It’s a matter that requires objective judgment

솟다 = to soar/rise up

Common Usages:
기운이 솟다 = to start feeling energized

불이 난 줄 모르고 문을 열었더니 불길이 갑자기 위로 더 솟았다
= I didn’t know there was a fire and opened the door, and the fire soared up more all of sudden

오랜만에 엄마가 해 준 음식을 먹을 거라서 맛있든지 맛이 없든지 먹고 나서 기운이 엄청나게 솟을 거예요
= I’m going to have food cooked by my mom for the first time in a while, so it doesn’t matter if it will be delicious or not, once I eat it I will be ecstatic

분리하다 = to separate/divide/segregate

The noun form of this verb “분리” translates to “separation”

Common Usages:
분리수거 = the process of separating and recycling
종류별로 분리하다 = to separate things by types

쓰레기를 분리하든지 말든지 재활용 차가 와서 수거해 갈 거에요
= It doesn’t matter if we separate the garbage or not, the garbage/recycling truck is going to come and take it away

쇠사슬이 엉키지 않게 하나씩 분리해서 놓아 주세요
= Please separate all the chains and put them down one by one so that they don’t tangle

탐험하다 = to explore

The noun form of this verb “탐험” translates to “exploration”

Common Usages:
탐험대 = exploration team
탐험가 = explorer

우리는 새로운 지역을 탐험하기로 결정했어요
= We decided to explore new areas

콜롬버스 탐험에 대해 조사하든지 다른 주제에 대해 조사하든지 주제를 얼른 정해야 돼요
= Whether you investigate the adventures of Columbus or investigate a different subject, you need to choose/set your subject quickly

환전하다 = to exchange money/currency

The noun form of this verb “환전” translates to “exchange”

Common Usages:
통화 환전 = currency exchange
환전소 = currency exchange counter

해외 여행을 가기 전에 환전을 해야 해요
= You need to exchange currency before traveling abroad

미국 돈이든지 캐나다 돈이든지 빨리 환전하자
= It doesn’t matter if it is American money or Canadian money, let’s convert it quickly (soon)

유통하다 = to circulate, to ventilate

The noun form of this verb “유통” translates to “circulation”

Common Usages:
불법유통 = illegal distribution
유통경로 = distribution channel
유통량 = circulation amount

유통기간은 언제까지예요?
= How long until the expiration date?

우유를 살 때 유통기한을 꼭 확인하세요
= Make sure you check the expiration date when you buy milk

유통기한이 지났든지 안 지났든지 어차피 먹어야 해요
= It doesn’t matter if the expiration date has passed or not, anyways you have to eat it

유익하다 = to be beneficial, useful, helpful

이 책은 유익한 정보를 제공해요
= This book provides useful information

책을 읽고 생각하는 것은 매우 유익하고 중요해요
= Reading and thinking are useful and important things

엄청나다 = to be enormous, to be tremendous

외계인을 찾으려면 인간은 엄청난 우주를 넘어서 지구와 비슷한 행성을 찾아야 돼요
= In order to find aliens, humans need to cross a very large space and find a planet similar to Earth

오랜만에 엄마가 해 준 음식을 먹을 거라서 맛있든지 맛이 없든지 먹고 나서 기운이 엄청나게 솟을 거예요
= I’m going to have food cooked by my mom for the first time in a while, so it doesn’t matter if it will be delicious or not, once I eat it I will be ecstatic

Adverbs and Other Words:
아무튼 = anyways, in any event

아무튼 사고후에도 정책에 변화가 없었어요
= There was no change in policy anyways even after the accident

아무튼 이제 할 일을 모두 맞췄으니 집에 갈 거예요
= Anyways, now I’ve finished all of my work, so I’m going to go home

어차피 = anyways, in any event

유통기한이 지났든지 안 지났든지 어차피먹어야 해요
= It doesn’t matter if the expiration date has passed or not, anyways you have to eat it

우리가 내일 가든지 내일모레 가든지 어차피 가야 돼요
= It doesn’t matter if we go tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, anyways, we have to go

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In this lesson, you will learn how to add ~든지 to the end of a clause. Although this grammatical principle has a fairly straightforward meaning across the board, it can be used in a bunch of different ways. Let’s get started!



Listing Out Possibilities or Outcomes: ~든지 (간에)

The general umbrella explanation of how this particle can be used is when one wants to indicate that there are many possibilities or outcomes that can occur. ~든지 is added to the possibilities/outcomes that could occur, and the following clause is not a selection of one of those possibilities (like ~중에), but rather either of them could occur or be correct.

The translation is usually something like “whether A, or whether B….”, or “It doesn’t matter if A, or B…”. As usual, it is fairly difficult to describe this in words, but easier once we have seen examples. So let’s look at one:

포크를 사용하든지 젓가락을 사용하든지 더 편한 것을 사용하세요
= It doesn’t matter if you use a fork or use chopsticks, use the one that is more comfortable, or,
= Whether you use a fork or chopsticks, use the one that is more comfortable

In this sentence, the two clauses that have ~든지 attached to them are:

포크를 사용하든지
젓가락을 사용하든지

The use of ~든지 at the end of those clauses indicates that they are both possible outcomes for the upcoming clause.

Let’s look at some more examples:

보물을 찾든지 못 찾든지 절망에 빠지면 안 돼요
= Whether we find the treasure or not, we can’t lose hope (fall into despair)

경기에서 이기든지 지든지 열심히 해야 됩니다
= It doesn’t matter if you win or lose the game, you should try hard

그 가수를 내일 만나든지 못 만나든지 곧 만난다는 것이 실감이 안 나요
= Whether I meet that singer tomorrow or not, it doesn’t feel real that I will meet her soon

유통기한이 지났든지 안 지났든지 어차피 먹어야 해요
= It doesn’t matter if the expiration date has passed or not, anyways you have to eat it

우리가 내일 가든지 내일모레 가든지 어차피 가야 돼요
= It doesn’t matter if we go tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, anyways, we have to go

그 규칙에 동의하든지 안 하든지 그 규칙을 따라야 돼요
= It doesn’t matter if you agree with the rule or not, you have to follow it

서울로 이사하든지 부산으로 이사하든지 집값은 똑같아요
= It doesn’t matter if I move to Seoul or if I move to Busan, the cost of housing is the same

자전거를 타든지 달리기를 하든지 그냥 마음대로 아무거나 해
= It doesn’t matter if you ride a bike or walk, just do anything you want

대학교에 진학하든지 진학하지 않든지 열심히 공부해야 돼요
= It doesn’t matter if you go to University or not, you need to study hard

결과가 우리가 예상한 것이든지 아니든지 우리는 결과를 발표할 것입니다
= It doesn’t matter if the results are what we expected or not, we are going to announce them

수영장에서 물놀이만 할 수 있으면 숙소가 좋든지 안 좋든지 애들은 신경 안 써요
= As long as you can swim, it doesn’t matter if the accommodation is good or not, the kids won’t care

뱃속에 아기가 자라고 있어서 차를 타 면 빨리 가든지 느리게 가든지 차멀미가 날 거예요
= I’m pregnant (have a baby in my belly), so if we go by car, it doesn’t matter if we go slow or fast, I am going to be car sick

콜롬버스 탐험에 대해 조사하든지 다른 주제에 대해 조사하든지 주제를 얼른 정해야 돼요
= Whether you investigate the adventures of Columbus or investigate a different subject, you need to choose/set your subject quickly

하와이에 가서 화산을 보러 가든지 해돋이를 보러가든지 제일 중요한 것은 안전하게 여행하는 거에요
= When you go to Hawaii, whether you go to see a volcano or go to see the sunrise, the most important thing is traveling safely

오랜만에 엄마가 해 준 음식을 먹을 거라서 맛있든지 맛이 없든지 먹고 나서 기운이 엄청나게 솟을 거예요
= I’m going to have food cooked by my mom for the first time in a while, so it doesn’t matter if it will be delicious or not, once I eat it I will be ecstatic

~든지 can be attached to any adjective, verb or 이다. Therefore, you often see it used with nouns, connected to 이다. If the noun that 이다 is attached to ends in a vowel, the 이 can merge with the stem and you don’t see it. For example:

밥이든지 피자든지 빨리 골라!
= It doesn’t matter if it is rice or pizza, but choose quickly!

수두든지 아니든지 병원에 꼭 가 봐야 돼요
= Whether it is chicken pox or not, you definitely need to go to the hospital

미국 돈이든지 캐나다 돈이든지 빨리 환전하자
= It doesn’t matter if it is American money or Canadian money, let’s convert it quickly (soon)

야구든지 축구(이)든지 내일 정오에 하자
= It doesn’t matter if (we play) it is baseball or soccer, let’s play tomorrow at noon

Just by the nature of these types of sentences, it is common for the end of the sentence to have the expression “I don’t care” or something similar. For example:

우리가 가든지 안 가든지 나는 신경을 안 써
= I don’t care if we go or not

The Hanja character 간 () means “between” and is a good word/character to know because it comes up a lot in Korean when referring to the relationship or interactions between things. For example:

부부지간 = between husband and wife
부모 자식 간 = between parents and children
분자간 힘 = the force between molecules (intermolecular force)

I can’t imagine when you would use that last one in your daily life, but I’m a chemistry teacher and I use it a lot.

It is common to use 간에 after the final ~든지 in sentences. Technically 간에 could be added to any of the examples above (from the very beginning of the lesson until now). However, adding this in the sentence sometimes adds a slight negative connotation to it (the only reason I say “sometimes” is because languages are very complex and it’s possible that it won’t have this negative feeling – but more times than not it will). Because of this, it is a little bit more common to find “간에” used after “~든지” when the speaker doesn’t care about the outcome. For example:

우리가 내일 가든지 내일모레 가든지 간에 어차피 가야 돼요
= It doesn’t matter if we go tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, anyways, we have to go

But note that the following are all acceptable, and adding “간에” makes the feeling slightly more negative if the situation allows for it.

포크를 사용하든지 젓가락을 사용하든지 간에 더 편한 것을 사용하세요
= It doesn’t matter if you use a fork or use chopsticks, use/choose the one that is more comfortable (whether you use a fork or chopsticks…)

경기에서 이기든지 지든지 간에 열심히 해야 됩니다
= It doesn’t matter if you win or lose the game, you should try hard (whether you win or lose…)

In all of the situations described so far, there were two different words that ~든지 was connected to in a sentence. This doesn’t always have to be the case, as the situation of the sentence can describe that something must be done among a choice of other things. For example:

네가 내일 무엇을 하든지 간에 밖에 나가야 돼
= It doesn’t matter what you do tomorrow, but you have to go outside

Often the outcomes/possibilities are an action or not doing that action. This is often accomplished by using ~든지 말든지. For example:

우리가 가든지 말든지 나는 신경을 안 써
= I don’t care if we go or not

시험이 있든지 말든지 간에 학교에 가야 돼요
= It doesn’t matter if there is an exam or not, you have to go to school

쓰레기를 분리하든지 말든지 재활용 차가 와서 수거해 갈 거에요
= It doesn’t matter if we separate the garbage or not, the garbage/recycling truck is going to come and take it away

이 범위를 공부를 하든지 말든지 여기서 시험문제가 나올 거예요
= It doesn’t matter if you study this area/part of content, there will be an exam question from this part

제가 야식을 먹든지 말든지 이미 저녁을 많이 먹어서 살이 찔 것 같아요
= It doesn’t matter if I eat at night or not, I’ve already eaten a lot of dinner so I’m going to gain weight anyways

그 사람한테 명함을 주든지 말든지 그 사람이 이미 제 연락처를 가지고 있어서 상관 없어요
= It doesn’t matter if I give my business card to that person or not, he already has my contact



Words that ~든지 is commonly attached to

Allow me to introduce a few words that you will commonly find ~든지 attached to.

It is common to find ~든지 attached to the common question words 뭐, 누구, 언제 and 어디. Some people learn these constructions as actual words and not as words connected to ~든지 but the end result is the same. You can see the meaning of each construction next to each example below, but the general meaning is “It doesn’t matter who/what/when/where.” For example:

뭐든지 = Whatever /It doesn’t matter what
한 달 동안 뭐든지 먹어도 돼요
= For one month, you are allowed to eat whatever you want (for one month, it doesn’t matter what you eat)

누구든지 = Whoever/It doesn’t matter who
누구든지 사람들이 믿을 수 있는 친구가 필요해요
= It doesn’t matter who it is, people need a friend they can trust (everybody needs a friend they can trust)

언제든지 = Whenever/It doesn’t matter when
우리 집에 언제든지 오세요
= It doesn’t matter when you come to our house (come to our house anytime!)

어디든지 = Wherever/It doesn’t matter where
어디든지 앉아도 돼요
= Sit anywhere! (It doesn’t matter where you sit)

벌어지다 is often used to indicate that there is some sort of space or gap between two things. For example:

우리 아버지가 앞니 사이가 벌어져 있어요 = Our dad has a gap in his front teeth
가방에 크게 벌어져 있는 구멍이 있어요 = There is a big hole in my bag

Another meaning of 벌어지다 is similar to 생기다 or 일어나다, where it indicates that something arises. For example:

어떤 일이 벌어졌어요? = What came up?
중동에서 전쟁이 벌어졌어요 = A war started/came up in the Middle East

~든지 is commonly attached to 벌어지다 in this usage. It is often preceded by 무슨 일이… to create the meaning of “whatever happens/regardless of what happens.” For example:

무슨 일이 벌어지든지 간에 그녀랑 결혼할 거예요
= Regardless of what happens, I’m marrying her

무슨 일이 벌어지든지 간에 이 문제를 객관적으로 해결해야 돼요
= Regardless of what happens, we need to solve this problem objectively


Three notes about ~든지 before we finish:

  • In all of the example sentences in this lesson, it is acceptable to eliminate from ~든지 (간에).
  • ~던지, a grammatical principle that has not been introduced in this course yet, is often confused with ~든지. Sometimes even Korean people confuse them.
  • Remember that ~든지 can also be used in sentences with 상관없다 – which you learned about in Lesson 74. For example:

우리가 언제 가든지 상관없어요 = It doesn’t matter when we go
우리가 어디 가든지 상관없어요 = It doesn’t matter where we go
제가 누구랑 가든지 상관없어요 = It doesn’t matter who I go with
운전면허를 언제 받든지 상관없어요 = It doesn’t matter when you get your driver’s license
학생들이 어떻게 반응하든지 상관없어요 = It doesn’t matter how the students react
네가 배고프든지 상관없어 = It doesn’t matter if you are hungry
우리는 거기에 가든지 말든지 상관없어 = It doesn’t matter if we go there
그게 비싸든지 말든지 상관없어 = It doesn’t matter if it is expensive

That’s it for this lesson!

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