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To be Grouped or Classified by: ~별(로)
명단 = name list
Common Usages:
명단 작성 = creation of a name list
개학 전에 우리는 학년별 명단을 작성해야 돼요
= Before the start of school, we need to make a list of students names by grade
명단을 잃어버려서 친구 연락처를 하나씩 찾을 수밖에 없어요
= I have no choice but to add/find my friend’s contacts one by one (now that I) because I lost my contact list
설정 = setting
Common Usages:
암호 설정 = password setup
기본 설정 = basic setting
컴퓨터 화면 설정을 다시 해야 돼요
= We should reset up the setting of computer screen
새로운 컴퓨터를 사면 국가별 언어 설정을 해야 돼요
= When you buy a new computer, you need to set the language setting
대표 = representative
Notes: When referring to a person, it’s usually appropriate to use 대표님
Common Usages:
기업 대표 = representative of a business
대표를 선발하다 = to choose a representative
대표를 선출하다 = to elect a representative
가야금은 한국 대표적인 전통 악기예요
= The Gayageum is a traditional instrument that represents Korea
30개의 유럽국가에서 각 나라 대표들이 왔어요
= Representatives from 30 European nations came
그 식품을 파는 회사의 대표가 다 서울에서 모였어요
= The representative from companies who sell this food product all met in Seoul
모든 나라가 국가별로 대표를 지명했어요
= Each country designated a representative separately
저는 회사의 대표로서 직원을 채용할 수 있는 유일한 사람이에요
= As the representative of the company, I am the only person who can hire employees
그 여학생이 인기가 많아서 학교 대표로 선정됐어요
= The female student was chosen as the school representative because she is popular
협약 = agreement, treaty
이 동맹을 시작하려면 각 나라마다 국가별로 협약에 동의해야 돼요
= If you want to start this alliance, each country needs to agree to the treaty as a nation
핵 무기에 대한 국제 협약이 가장 중요해요
= International agreements regarding nuclear weapons are most important
동맹 = alliance
Common Usages:
동맹국 = country’s ally
그 나라들은 강력한 동맹을 맺었어요
= Those countries formed a strong alliance
이 동맹을 시작하려면 각 나라마다 국가별로 협약에 동의해야 돼요
= If you want to start this alliance, each country needs to agree to the treaty as a nation
세월 = time (usually when “passing”)
Common Usages:
세월이 가다 = for time to go by
세월이 흐르다 = for time to pass by
세월이 야속하다 = time flies
세월이 흘러가면서 많은 변화가 일어났어요
= Many changes have occurred as time has gone by
세월이 흐르면서 동물이 종별로 다른 곳으로 이동했어요
= As time goes by, animals move/migrate to different places depending on their species
직급 = rank at one’s job
Common Usages:
회사 직급 = rank within a company
그는 직급을 높이기 위해 열심히 일했어요
= He worked hard to raise his rank at work
우리는 지금 회사원들에게 직급별로 내용을 배분하도록 하겠습니다
= We will now distribute the materials/content to the workers by rank/level
식구 = family member
Common Usages:
대식구 = large family
딸린 식구 = family members depending on someone
서로 식구끼리 잘 챙기고 도와주도록 해요
= We’re going to try to be nice and help out each other as family members
아침마다 식구들 밥을 챙기느라 힘들어요
= It is hard to make breakfast for everyone in the family every morning
공룡 = dinosaur
Common Usages:
초식 공룡 = herbivorous dinosaur
육식 공룡 = carnivorous dinosaur
공룡 화석 = dinosaur fossil
오래 전에는 공룡이 실제로 존재했었어요
= A long time ago dinosaurs had once actually existed
대륙별로 발견된 공룡들의 무게는 달랐어요
= The weight of dinosaurs was different depending on the continent they were discovered in
신분증 = identification card
Common Usages:
신분증 위조 = fake ID
신분증 검사 = ID check
임시로 신청한 신분증이 오늘 나왔어요
= The identification card I applied for temporarily arrived today
저는 신분증을 나이별로 다 정리했어요
= I organized the ID cards by age
길거리에서 신분증을 습득했어요
= I picked up somebody’s ID card on the street
주근깨 = freckle
Common Usages:
주근깨를 제거하다 = to get rid of freckles
주근깨를 없애다 = to get rid of freckles
그녀의 얼굴에는 많은 주근깨가 있어요
= She has a lot of freckles on her face
여름만 되면 주근깨가 더 생겨서 스트레스를 받아요
= In the summer I get more freckles and it makes me stressed
절 = Buddhist temple
Common Usages:
절밥 = temple food
스님을 보고 싶으면 절에 가야 해요
= If you want to see a Buddhist monk, you need to go to a temple
저는 어렸을 때 불교 신자인 엄마를 따라 절에 가곤 했어요
= When I was young, I would often follow my mom, a Buddhist, to the temple
평균 = average, mean
Common Usages:
평균값 = average price
평균 신장 = average height
평균 임금 = average wage
각 나라마다 사람들의 평균 신체비율이 달라요
= Each country has a different average body ratio
사람의 평균 월급은 보통 계급별로 다릅니다
= The average pay/income of a person is different depending on class
연말 = the end of the year
Common Usages:
연말연시 = the end of year and start of new year
연말 장사 = end of year party
연말 정산 = end of year tax adjustment
연말에는 보통 친구들과 파티를 즐겨요
= At the end of the year, people usually enjoy parties with friends
연말이라서 부서별 회식이 많아요
= It is the end of the year, so there are a lot of staff dinners/parties among departments
과제 = task, project, thing to do
Common Usages:
개별 과제 = individual task
조별 과제 = group project
과제를 끝내고 신나는 주말을 보내려고 해요
= I’m looking forward to spending a fun weekend after finishing my work
해야 할 과제가 많아서 오늘 밤을 셀 거예요
= There are a lot of things to do, so I will stay up all night
체중 = weight
Common Usages:
체중계 = body weight scale
과체중 = overweight
저체중 = underweight
최근에 체중이 증가했어요
= I’ve gained weight recently
코치가 선수들을 체중 별로 나눴어요
= The coach divided the athletes by weight
대륙 = continent
Common Usages:
아시아 대륙 = the Asian continent
신대륙 = new continent
이 사람이 처음으로 4대륙을 횡단한 사람이에요
= This person is the first person to cross four continents
대륙 별로 발견된 공룡들의 무게는 달랐어요
= The weight of dinosaurs was different depending on the continent they were discovered in
인간이 아프리카에서 기원하고 다른 대륙으로 이동했어요
= Humans originated from Africa and then moved to the different continents
임시 = temporary
Common Usages:
임시 숙소 = temporary accommodations
임시 휴업 = temporary closing of a store for holiday
임시 거처 = temporary living place
이것은 임시조치일 뿐이에요
= This is just a temporary measure
임시로 신청한 신분증이 오늘 나왔어요
= The identification card I applied for temporarily arrived today
회전 = rotation
Common Usages:
좌회전 = left turn
우회전 = right turn
180도 회전 = 180 degree turn
360도 회전 = 360 degree turn
타이어가 교체될 때 차량이 회전하게 돼요
= The vehicle rotates when the tires are replaced
차가 자꾸 얼음 위에서 회전하는 느낌이 나서 정비소에 갔어요
= The car feels like it keeps spinning on ice, so I brought it to the shop
계급 = a “class” in society
Common Usages:
계급사회 = hierarchical society
그 사람의 계급은 대위입니다
= That person’s rank is lieutenant
사람의 평균 월급은 보통 계급별로 다릅니다
= The average pay/income of a person is different depending on class
회식 = expand title=”staff dinner[” trigclass=”noarrow”]
Common Usages:
회식 자리 = a place to have a staff dinner
저는 오늘 직장동료들과 회식이 있어서 집에 늦게 들어갔어요
= I went home late today because I had a staff dinner with colleagues from work
오늘 저희 선생님 중 한 분이 명예퇴직을 하셔서 회식이 있을 거예요
= Today, one of our teachers is retiring (early) so there will be a staff dinner
연말이라서 부서별 회식이 많아요
= It is the end of the year, so there are a lot of staff dinners/parties among departments[/expand]
임금 = wages/pay
Common Usages:
저임금 = low wage
고임금 = high wage
평균 임금 = average wage
매달 정해진 임금을 받아요
= I receive a fixed wage every month
대부분 회사에는 성별 임금 차이가 있어요
= At most companies, there is a wage difference between sexes
배분하다 = to distribute
Common Usages:
고르게 배분하다 = to distribute evenly
공평하게 배분하다 = to distribute fairly
어제 번 돈을 친구들과 고르게 배분하기 위해 정확하게 계산을 했어요
= In order to distribute the money that we earned yesterday with friends evenly, I calculated it precisely
한 사람에게 다 주지 말고 균등하게 배분하라니까
= I told you to not give it all to one person, but to divide them evenly
우리는 지금 회사원들에게 직급별로 내용을 배분하도록 하겠습니다
= We will now distribute the materials/content to the workers by rank/level
깨우다 = to wake somebody up
아침 일찍 깨우지 마세요
= Don’t wake up early in the morning
저는 애기를 깨웠어요
= I woke up the baby
애기를 깨우지 않게 조용히 노크해 주세요
= Knock quietly so that the baby doesn’t wake up
적립하다 = to save up, to accumulate
Common Usages:
스탬프(쿠폰을) 를 적립하다
포인트를 적립하다
커피를 살 때마다 포인트를 적립하세요
= Save points every time you buy coffee
포인트 적립을 원하시면 포인트카드를 보여주세요
= If you want to collect points, show me your points card
야근하다 = to work at night
Common Usages:
늦게까지 야근하다 = to work till late at night
업무가 많아서 야근했어요
= I had so much work to do that I worked overtime (at night)
이번 주는 야근이고 다음 주는 주간이에요
= This week is (I am working) the night shift, next week is (I am working) the day shift
제가 내일 있을 참관수업을 준비해야 돼서 오늘 야근을 할 거예요
= I have to prepare for the open class that I will do tomorrow, so I will work late tonight
야근이 반복될수록 몸이 더욱 피로해져서 일에 집중하기 힘들어요
= As I continue to do the night shift over and over, my body gets more and more fatigued and it is hard to focus on work
증명하다 = to prove
Common Usages:
가족관계증명서 = proof of family registry
실력을 증명하다 = to prove one’s skills
그 선수의 노력이 이 대회의 성과를 증명했어요
= The outcome of this competition proved that athlete’s efforts
원천징수영수증이란 번 돈에 대한 세금을 얼마나 냈는지를 증명해주는 서류이다
= A withholding tax receipt is a document that proves/shows how much tax one has paid on the money they earned
For help memorizing these words, try using our mobile app.
In this lesson, you will learn how to add ~별 to nouns and the meaning it creates. You will see that it is often attached to nouns to describe another noun, or used with ~로 to act as an adverb. Let’s get started.
To be Grouped or Classified by: ~별(로)
~별 is added to nouns that represent more than one type or level of something. When this is done, it classifies the different types/levels and indicates that something is done (separately) for each type/level. For example:
수준 = level
수준별: There could be multiple levels of something (for example, high level, medium level, low level). Here, something will be done separately for each level.
성 = sex/gender
성별: Of course, there is more than one sex/gender. Here, the sexes will be classified and something will be done separately for each sex.
학년 = a grade level in school (1st grade, for example)
학년별: Here, grades within a school will be classified and something will be done separately for each grade.
부서 = department
부서별: Here, departments within a company/office will be classified and something will be done separately for each department.
개인 = personal, individual
개인별: Of course, there are many types of individuals. Here, individuals will be classified and something will be done separately for each person.
국가 = nation
국가별: Here, nations will be classified and something will be done separately for each nation.
These constructions (which are considered nouns) are often placed before other nouns to describe them. For example:
수준별 수업 = a class divided by levels
성별 임금 차이 = the difference in wage between the two sexes
학년별 명단 = a list of students names based on grade
부서별 회의 = a meeting for each department
개인별 평가 = an evaluation done for each individual
국가별 언어 설정 = the language setting for each nation
These types of constructions can now be placed in sentences. For example:
수준별 수업은 좋은 점도 있고 나쁜 점도 있어요
= Classes divided by levels have good points and bad points, too
대부분 회사에는 성별 임금 차이가 있어요
= At most companies, there is a wage difference between sexes
개학 전에 우리는 학년별 명단을 작성해야 돼요
= Before the start of school, we need to make a list of students names by grade
각 부서마다 부서별 회의를 할 거예요
= Each department will have a meeting (among themselves)
연말이라서 부서별 회식이 많아요
= It is the end of the year, so there are a lot of staff dinners/parties among departments
12월까지 우리 회사는 개인별 평가를 시행하겠습니다
= Until December, our company will be running a personal evaluation
새로운 컴퓨터를 사면 국가별 언어 설정을 해야 돼요
= When you buy a new computer, you need to set the language setting (appropriate for your nation)
So far, you have seen ~별 attached to a noun and used to describe an upcoming noun. Sentences with ~별 often indicate that the action will be different depending on the types/levels specified. In these cases, it is common to attach ~로 to “~별.” For example:
There could be many different translations for ~별(로). As you will see in the examples below, it might translate to:
- by…
- based on…
- separate(ly)…
- depending on…
I always stress that you try to ignore the English translations. Instead, focus more on my explanation of~별(로) and how its meaning applies to the examples.
우리 회사는 분기별로 세금을 내요
= Our company pays tax by the quarter
코치가 선수들을 체중별로 나눴어요
= The coach divided the athletes by weight
저는 신분증을 나이별로 다 정리했어요
= I organized the ID cards by age
모든 나라가 국가별로 대표를 지명했어요
= Each country designated a representative separately
대륙별로 발견된 공룡들의 무게는 달랐어요
= The weight of dinosaurs was different depending on the continent they were discovered in
사람의 평균 월급은 보통 계급별로 다릅니다
= The average pay/income of a person is different depending on class
아이들을 성별에 따라 대우하는 것이 좋지 않아요
= It’s not good to treat children based on their gender
학생들이 그때 학년별로 강당에서 나올 거예요
= Students will leave the auditorium in the order of grade
우리 가족이 모일 때마다 항상 나이별로 음식을 나눠서 먹어요
= Whenever our family members meet, we always divide the food and eat depending on age
세월이 흐르면서 동물이 종별로 다른 곳으로 이동했어요
= As time goes by, animals move/migrate to different places depending on their species
한국에서는 영어와 수학수업이 보통 수준별로 나눠져요
= In Korea, English and Math classes are usually divided by level
그 문제를 해결하는 방법을 찾으려고 내일 각 부서가 부서별로 회의를 할 거에요
= In order to solve that problem, each department will have a separate meeting
모두 개인별로 자기 생각을 종이에 쓰고 나서 모으자
= Each person write their ideas on a piece of paper separately and then let’s meet
이 동맹을 시작하려면 각 나라마다 국가별로 협약에 동의해야 돼요
= If you want to start this alliance, each country needs to agree to the treaty as a nation
우리는 지금 회사원들에게 직급별로 내용을 배분하도록 하겠습니다
= We will now distribute the materials/content to the workers by rank/level
학생들이 사춘기를 겪고 있기 때문에 학생들을 성별로 나눠서 그 영상을 보여줘야 될 것 같아요
= Because students are going through puberty, we will probably have to divide them by sex and show that video to them
That’s it for this lesson!