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Hanja Lesson 49: 任, 當, 擔, 院, 職

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In this lesson, you will learn five characters related to work, and duty.


任 = 임 = appoint, duty
(Korean name: 맡길 임)

任務 = duty
책任 = responsibility
無책任 = with no responsibility
책任感 = the sense of responsibility
책任者 = the person responsible
任명 = appointment to a position
담任 = a type of teacher in charge of a class (homeroom teacher)
담任先生님 = homeroom teacher

當 = 당 = bear, accept, undertake
(Korean name: 마땅 당)

當身 = you
當場 = immediately, right away
相當 = considerable
相當數  = a considerable number
當分間 = for the time being
담當 = taking charge
담當者 = the person in charge
적當 = appropriate
해當 = relevancy

擔 = 담 = undertake
(Korean name: 멜 담)

擔當 = taking charge
擔任 = a type of teacher in charge of a class (homeroom teacher)
擔任先生님 = homeroom teacher
擔當者 = the person in charge
부擔 = burden

院 = 원 = institution
(Korean name: 집 원)

院長 = the head of an institution (usually a hospital)
入院 = admission into a hospital
學院 = a “hagwon,” or a private study academy
병院 = hospital
법院 = court of law
퇴院 = discharging from a hospital

職 = 직 = profession
(Korean name: 직분 직)

職業 = job
職員 = worker, staff
職場 = the place where one works
취職 = to be looking for a job
퇴職金 = money that one receives when leaving a certain workplace
퇴職者 = retiree