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Hanja Lesson 39: 活, 住, 常, 毛, 事

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In this lesson, you will learn five characters related to life.


活 = 활 = Live
(Korean name: 살 활)


Common Words using this Character:
生活 = life
活用 = use
活動 = activity
活력 = vitality
부활 = revival
사 生活 = privacy
生活비 = living costs
日상生活 = everyday life
活발하다 = to be active
재 活用 = recycling


住 = 주 = Live, Reside
(Korean name:  살 주)


Common Words using this Character:
住所 = address
住民 = resident
原住民 = aboriginal people
거住 = residence
거住者 = resident
이住하다 = to immigrate
住택 = housing

I talk about the usage of 住 in this YouTube Video.


常 = 상 = Normal
(Korean name:  항상 상)


Common Words using this Character:
日常生活 = everyday life
日常 = regular, everyday
正常 = normal
平常 = regular
平常時 = regular times
常식 = common sense
이常 = abnormality
항常 = always


毛 = 모 = Hair
(Korean name:  터럭 모)

This character isn’t found in many simple words, but the character itself is very simple and most Korean people can recognize it to mean “hair.”


Common Words using this Character:
毛발 = hair
탈毛 = hair loss
毛피 = fur


事 = 사 = Affair
(Korean name: 일 사)


Common Words using this Character:
事務 = office stuff
事務室 = office
事務所 = office
工事 = construction
記事 = report, article
事業 = business
事業者 = business
食事 = a meal
人事 = greeting
行事 = event
事건 = affair
事고 = accident
交通事고 = traffic accident
事실 = fact
판事 = a judge


That’s it for this lesson!

Okay, I got it! Take me to the next lesson!
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