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Hanja Lesson 38: 域, 房, 點, 館, 所

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In this lesson, you will learn five characters related to places


域 = 역 = District
(Korean name:  지경 역)


Common Words using this Character:
域內 = inside a region
域外 = outside a region
地域 = area/region
區域 = zone
全域 = the whole area
영域 = territory


房 = 방 = Room
(Korean name:  방 방)


Common Words using this Character:
房 = room
주房 = kitchen
노래房 = singing room
난房 = heating in a room
안房 = bigger room where the parents usually sleep in a house


點 = 점 = Point
(Korean name: 점 점)


Common Words using this Character:
點 = dot, period, speck
共通點 = common point
中間地點 = halfway point
弱點 = weak point
點心 = lunch
點心時間 = lunchtime
出發點 = departure point
點數 = score
點검 = inspection
단點 = weak point
차이 點 = difference (point)
장點 = strong point


館 = 관 = Place
(Korean name:  집 관)


Common Words using this Character:
體育館 = gymnasium
대사館 = embassy
박物館 = museum
영화館 = movie theater
미술館 = art gallery
白악館 = the White House
館장 = director of some institution
성균館大學校 = Sungkyunkwan University


所 = 소 = Place
(Korean name: 바 소)


Sometimes this character refers to things or methods, for example:
所有 = possession
所有者 = possessor
所망 = hope, wish
所원 = hope, wish
所중히 = carefully
所득 = income
所用 = use (this is usually used as 所用이 없다 to indicate that there is “no use” in doing something)

Sometimes this character refers to a location. In these cases, it is often placed after a noun to indicate that it is a place where something happens. For example, the Korean word for “research” is 연구, and the place where research happens (a research office, or research institute) is 연구所.
場所 = location
換전所 = place to transfer money
사務所 = office
주所 = address
연구所 = research office
주유所 = gas station
숙所 = place to stay
이발所 = barber shop
訓련所 = training place


That’s it for this lesson!

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