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Hanja Lesson 37: 完, 了, 末, 成

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In this lesson, you will learn four characters relating to finishing and completion.


完 = 완 = Complete
(Korean name:  완전할 완)


Common Words using this Character:
完全히 = perfectly
完료 = completion
完주 = to finish a race
미完 = unfinished
完성하다 = to complete
完벽하다 = to be perfect


了 = 료 = Finish
(Korean name:  마칠 료)


Common Words using this Character:
完了 = completion
수了 = to finish a course
만了 = expiration
매了 = to be fascinated by
종了 = finish, complete


末 = 말 = End
(Korean name: 끝 말)


Common Words using this Character:
末 = denotes the final stage of some time
末期 = the final stages of something
末초신경 = peripheral nerves
年末 = end of the year
주末 = weekend
末世 = end of the world



成 = 성 = Complete, Succeed
(Korean name:  이룰 성)


Common Words using this Character:
完成하다 = to complete
成人 = adult
作成하다 = to write up
合成 = composition
구成 = composition
구成原 = member of composition
成숙하다 = to be mature
成장 = growth
成장률 = growth rate
成공 = succeed
成과 = result
成적 = grades
成취 = accomplishment


That’s it for this lesson!

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