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Hanja Lesson 10: 心, 身, 體, 感, 家

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In this lesson, you will learn five characters that are related to one’s body or one’s feelings.



= = Heart/Emotions
(Korean name:
마음 )

Though this character literally means “heart,” it often is used in words to describe the center of something or one’s feelings.

Lesson10pic1Common Words using this Character:
心장 = heart (organ)
中心 = the center
핵心 = the main point/focus
心리 = mentality
호기心 = curiosity
의心 = suspicion



= = Body
(Korean name:

Lesson10pic3Common Words using this Character:
자身 = oneself
身분 = position/status
당身 = you
心身 = mind and body



= = Body
(Korean name:

Very complicated writing this character, but it comes up a lot in various words. While the strokes might look complicated, if you learn how to write it stroke-by-stroke, you will see that it actually isn’t that difficult.

Lesson10pic2Common Words using this Character:
體육 = physical education
體험 = experience
體력 = strength/stamina/physical ability
전體 = everything/all of
身體 = physical
생명體 = an organism
단體 = group/organization



= = Feeling/Emotion
(Korean name:
느낄 )

Lesson10pic4Common Words using this Character:
感정 = emotion
感각 = sense/feeling
感동 = impression
자신感 = confidence
感기 = the flu
예感 = to sense something beforehand
불안感 = an uncomfortable feeling



= = Family/House
(Korean name:

Usually used on words with some sort of relation to “family” or one’s family “house.” However, it is also sometimes used as the last character in a word to denote a profession.

Lesson10pic5Common Words using this Character:
國家 = country
家족 = family
家구 = furniture
小설家 = novelist
화家 = painter
전門家 = specialist
작家 = author
家정 = family


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