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~아/어 (Lessons 5 and 6) 건너
~ㄴ/은 (Lesson 4) 건넌
~ㄴ/는다 (Lesson 5) 건넌다
~ㅂ/습니다 (Lesson 6) 건넙니다
~ㄹ/을 (Lesson 9 and 26) 건널
~니 (Lesson 21) 건너니
~ㅁ/음 (Lesson 29) 건넘
~(으)려고 (Lesson 32) 건너려고
~(으)시 (Lesson 39) 건너시
~(으)면 (Lesson 43) 건너면
~(으)니 (Lesson 81) 건너니

For an organized table of every verb and adjective in Unit 1, click here.

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