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Click on the English word to see information and examples of that word in use. Use these sentences to give yourself a feel for how each word can be used, and maybe even to expose yourself to the grammar that you will be learning shortly.
A PDF file neatly presenting these words and extra information can be found here.
연기 = smoke
Common Usages:
연기가 나다 = for there to be smoke
방 안에 있는 연기를 없애려면 창문을 활짝 열어 주세요
= If you want to get rid of the smoke in the room, open the window wide
저기 누군가가 산불을 냈나 봐. 연기가 많이 나는데
= It seems like somebody started a forest fire over there. There is a lot of smoke coming up.
뒷맛 = aftertaste
뒷맛을 없애려면 새콤한 것을 먹어야 돼요
= If you want to get rid of that aftertaste, you need to eat something sour
어제 산 두부를 먹어 봤는데 뒷맛이 조금 이상한 게 아무래도 상한 것 같아요
= I tried the tofu I bought yesterday, and there was a bit of an aftertaste so it probably went bad
경기장 = sports stadium
Common Usages:
Korea hosted the World Cup in 2002. There are many stadiums called 월드컵경기장.
우리는 경기장에 들어가는 길이에요
= We are (on our way) going into the stadium
그 경기를 재미있게 보려면 직접 경기장에서 봐야 해요
= If you want to watch that match in a fun way, you need to go watch it in person at the stadium
경기장에서 사람들이 많이 나오고 있어서 경기가 이제 끝났나 봐요
= A lot of people are coming out of the sports stadium now, so I guess the game has finished
현관 = entrance room
Common Usages:
현관문 = front door
빗물이 현관에 들어왔어요
= Rainwater is coming into the entrance-way
문을 열려면 현관에서 직접 열쇠로 열어 주세요
= If you want to open the door, you need to come to the entrance in person with a key
아무도 모르게 집에 들어가려고 했는데 어쩐지 현관문을 열고 싶지 않았어요
= I was about to go into the house without anybody knowing, but somehow I didn’t want to open the front door
인내 = patience/endurance
인내의 시간 끝에 비로소 원하는 꿈을 이룰 수 있었어요
= After times of being patient (putting up with something), I was able to achieve what I wanted
비록 힘들더라도 인내하고 꾸준히 하다 보면 분명히 목표를 이룰 수 있어요
= Even if it is hard, if you are patient and continue to try, you can definitely reach your goal
인내심 = patience
이 일을 끝내려면 인내심이 많이 필요해요
= If you intend to complete this task, you need a lot of patience
초등학생들을 가르치려면 선생님들이 인내심이 많이 필요해요
= In order to teach elementary school students, teachers need a lot of patience
정치 = politics
Common Usages:
정치가 = politician
국제정치 = international politics
정치를 어떻게 하느냐에 따라 나라의 위상에 달라져요
= The status of a country can be different depending on how they do politics
건강한 사회를 위해 꼭 정치에 관심을 가지고 투표를 해야 돼요
= In order to have a healthy society, people need to have an interest in politics and vote
식탁 = dinner table
Notes: The little table that Korean people use when they sit on the floor to have meals is called a “상.”
저녁 준비가 다 되면 저는 제일 먼저 식탁에 수저를 놓아요
= When dinner is ready, I always put the cutlery on the table first
집 안 분위기에 따라 어울리는 식탁이 다르니 사기 전에 직접 보고 와야 해요
= Depending on the atmosphere of the inside of the house, the best dinner table could be different, so before you buy it, you need to come and see it
소풍 = outing/picnic/excursion
Common Usages:
봄소풍 = spring outing
소풍 가다 = to go on a picnic
소풍 도시락 = food/lunch brought on a picnic
소풍을 가려고 도시락을 쌌어요
= I packed a lunch box with the intent of going on a picnic
내일은 봄소풍을 가는 날이라 오늘 미리 친구들이랑 먹을 간식을 사 놓았어요
= Tomorrow is the day we will go on our spring outing, so today I went to buy some snacks with my friends
서점 = bookstore
Common Usages:
대형 서점 = big bookstore
온라인 서점 = online bookstore
오늘 그 서점은 50% 세일을 하고 있어요
= Today that bookstore is running a 50% sale
책을 반품하려면 서점에 직접 오셔야 됩니다
= If you want to return that book, you need to come to the bookstore in person
경치 = view/scenery
예쁜 경치를 보려면 아침 일찍 일어나야 돼요
= If you intend to see the beautiful scenery, you need to wake up early in the morning
제주도의 경치는 매우 아름다워서 사계절 내내 관광객으로 붐벼요
= The scenery in Jeju is really beautiful, so it is bustling with tourists throughout all four seasons
자기개발 = self improvement, self development
Common Usages:
자기개발서 = self-help books
자기개발에 힘쓰려면 돈을 낭비하지 말고 매달 저축하는 게 중요해요
= If you intend to work on improving yourself, don’t waste any money, and putting away money every month is important
새해가 될 때마다 서점에서 가장 잘 팔리는 책 종류는 자기개발서예요
= Every new year, the genre of books that sell the best are self-help books
개발하다 = to develop
The noun form of this word “개발” translates to “development”
Common Usages:
자기개발 = self improvement, self development
다음 10 년의 의료기술개발은 대한민국에 중요하다
= The development of medical technology over the next 10 years is important to Korea
땅을 개발하려면 땅 주변 환경을 먼저 정리해야 돼요
= If you intend to develop the land, you must first organize/clear up the environment around it
우리 회사가 상반기에는 그 제품의 개발을 진행하며 하반기에는 판매를 시작할 거예요
= In the first half of the year, our company will proceed with the development with that product, and in the second half of the year, we will start selling it
저축하다 = to save money
The noun form of this word “저축” translates to “saving money”
매달 힘들 게 저축한 돈을 사기를 당해서 모두 날려버렸어요
= The money that I saved from tirelessly putting money away every month is all gone because I got scammed
자기개발에 힘쓰려면 돈을 낭비하지 말고 매달 저축하는 게 중요해요
= If you intend to work on improving yourself, don’t waste any money, and putting away money every month is important
낭비하다 = to waste
The noun form of this word “낭비” translates to “wasting”
Common Usages:
돈낭비 = a waste of money
시간낭비 = a waste of time
그것을 사는 것은 돈 낭비일 뿐이에요 = Buying that is just a waste of money
카페모카와 잡지 한 권은 나에게 최상의 조합이다. 5 년 전만 해도 잡지 사는 게 돈 낭비라고 생각했는데, 요즘에는 잡지 읽을 때가 얼마나 좋은지 모른다. 나쁜 점이 있다면 잡지에 나온 새로 나온 화장품을 바로 사고 싶은 것이다.
= Café Mocha and a magazine, to me, is the best combination. 5 years ago, (even though) I thought that buying a magazine was a waste of money, now you don’t know how good/nice it is when I read a magazine. If there is one bad thing, it is that, when there is (an ad for) a new make-up product in the magazine, I want to buy it immediately.
찾아오다 = to visit, to come looking for
그 사람이 저를 찾아오면 저한테 말해 주세요
= If that person comes looking for me, please tell me
이 의견에 동의하지 않는 사람은 제 사무실로 오후에 찾아오세요
= People who don’t agree with this opinion, please come and see (“find”) me in my office this afternoon
너무 바쁜 와중에 친구가 찾아왔기 때문에 친구와 시간을 보내지 못했어요
= Right when I was busy, my friend came looking for me so I couldn’t spend any time with him
찾아가다 = to visit, to go looking for
Common Usages:
수소문해 찾아가다 = to ask many people where something is, and to look for it
10년 전 사건에 대해 알고 있다는 사람이 있어서 수소문해 찾아갔다
= I asked a lot of people who knew about the events from ten years ago and went looking
오랜만에 고향에 와서 친하게 지냈던 친구의 집에 찾아갔지만 친구는 작년에 이사를 갔다고 했어요
= I came to my hometown for the first time in a while and went to the house of a friend I was close with and they said that he moved last year
취직하다 = to find a job
The noun form of this word “취직” translates to “finding a job”
저는 그 회사에 취직했어요 = I got a job at that company
이제 취직을 하려고 이력서를 쓰고 있어요
= Now I am writing a resume with the intent of finding a job
요즘에는 회사에 취직하려면 이력서를 인터넷으로 회사에 제출해야 돼요
= These days, if you want to get hired by a company, you need to submit your resume online
무시하다 = to ignore
The noun form of this word “무시” translates to “neglect”
그 친구는 남의 말만 믿고 저를 무시했어요
= That friend believed what other people said (about me), and ignored me
땀띠가 있어서 이 연고를 바르란 아빠의 말을 무시했어요
= I have a heat rash, and I didn’t listen (ignored) the words/advice from my dad to put ointment on it
그 전 여자 친구를 잊어버리려면 그녀가 전화할 때마다 무시하세요
= If you intend to forget that previous girlfriend, ignore all of her calls.
이 일을 4 시까지 끝내려면 중요하지 않은 부분은 무시해야 될 것 같아요
= If you intend to finish that job by 4:00, you should probably ignore the parts that aren’t important
길을 건너지 말라는 신호를 무시하고 달리다가 그 남자는 심하게 다쳤어요
= The man was severely injured while running, after ignoring the “Don’t Cross” signal
반대하다 = to oppose
The noun form of this word “반대” translates to “opposition”
Common Usages:
반대로 = in the opposite way
반대편 = the opposite side
반대방향 = the opposite direction
시계반대방향 = counterclockwise
시계반대방향 돌리다 = to turn something counterclockwise
반대부터 하다 = to disagree with everything
그 말을 연설에 말하면 사람들이 분명히 반대할 거예요
= If you say that in the speech, people will definitely disagree (with it)
사춘기인 아들은 부모님이 하는 모든 말에 반대부터 하고 봐요
= Kids going through puberty disagree/oppose everything that their parents say
없애다 = to get rid of, to remove
Common Usages:
완벽히 없애다 = to completely remove
뒷맛을 없애려면 새콤한 것을 먹어야 돼요
= If you want to get rid of that aftertaste, you need to eat something sour
방 안에 있는 연기를 없애려면 창문을 활짝 열어 주세요
= If you want to get rid of the smoke in the room, open the window wide
힘쓰다 = to do something with a lot of effort
This word follows the ㅡ irregular.
Common Usages:
젖먹던 힘까지 쓰다 = to use all the strength in one’s body
자기개발에 힘쓰려면 돈을 낭비하지 말고 매달 저축하는 게 중요해요
= If you intend to work on improving yourself, don’t waste any money, and putting away money every month is important
원래 그 회사에 취직할 수 있는 능력이 안됐지만 아버지가 힘을 써서 입사할 수 있었어요
= Originally I didn’t have the ability to get a job at that company, but my dad really tried to get me in, so I was able to get a job
새콤하다 = to be sour
Common Usages:
새콤달콤하다 = to be sweet and sour
뒷맛을 없애려면 새콤한 것을 먹어야 돼요
= If you want to get rid of that aftertaste, you need to eat something sour
레몬은 새콤해서 입맛을 돋구는 데 최고예요
= Lemons are very sour, so it is the best thing to get your appetite going
Adverbs and Other Words
참 = really/very/extremely
Notes: 참 is much more commonly used in speech than in writing.
아이들은 참 순수하고 사랑스러운 존재예요
= Kids are just so innocent and lovely
옆집 할머니는 저를 볼 때마다 참 바르게 컸다고 말해요
= Everytime the grandma who lives nextdoor sees me she tells me how big I’ve gotten
새해 = new years
Common Usages:
새해 복 많이 받으세요! = Happy New Year!
동부지방에는 새해 처음으로 눈이 내릴 예정이에요
= It is expected to snow for the first time in the new year in the eastern part/area
새해가 될때마다 서점에서 가장 잘 팔리는 책 종류는 자기개발서예요
= Every new year, the genre of books that sell the best are self-help books
활짝 = widely (open), fully (in bloom)
Common Usages:
활짝 웃다 = to smile widely
활짝 열다 = to open widely
꽃이 활짝 피다 = for flowers to be fully in bloom
아침에 거울을 보고 활짝 웃으면 하루를 기분 좋게 시작할 수 있어요
= If you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and smile, you can start your day out happy
‘하나, 둘, 셋!’ 나는 문을 활짝 열었다. 아주 큰 상에 케이크와 과자, 피자도 있었다. 나는
그때 그 음식을 다 먹어보고 싶었지만 친구들이 올 때까지 기다렸다.
= ‘One, two, three!’ I opened the door wide open. There was cake, snacks and even pizza on a very big table. At that time, I wanted to eat all the food, but I waited until my friends came.
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In this lesson, you will learn how to combine two previous grammatical principles to come up with ~(으)려면. Let’s get started.
If one intends to: ~(으)려면
In Lesson 32 you learned how to connect two clauses with ~(으)려고 to indicate that one does an action for the intent or purpose of doing another. For example:
소풍을 가려고 도시락을 쌌어요
= I packed a lunch box with the intent of going on a picnic
이제 취직을 하려고 이력서를 쓰고 있어요
= Now I am writing a resume with the intent of finding a job
In Lesson 43 you learned how to connect two clauses with ~(으)면 to create the meaning of “if” or “when.” For example:
식탁이 없으면 식사를 할 때 불편해요
= If there is no dinner table, having a meal is uncomfortable
그 사람이 저를 찾아오면 저한테 말해 주세요
= If that person comes looking for me, please tell me
~(으)려고 and ~(으)면 can combine to form ~(으)려면. Its meaning is a combination of the two put together, as if one were to say ~하려고 하면… . Korean grammatical principles can often combine and contract with each other like this. Now that you have a good base of many of the simple ones, you will see this type of thing often as you progress to later lessons. For example, ~한다고 해 often combines and contracts to ~하대 which you will learn in Lesson 102.
The combined grammatical principle ~(으)려면 creates the meaning of “if one intends to,” or sometimes more simply “if one wants to.”
Sentences with ~(으)려면 by their nature often end with ~아/어야 하다, ~이/가 필요하다 (Lesson 46) or imperative ending like ~세요 or 아/어라 (Lesson 40). Below are many examples:
그렇게 비싼 것을 사려면 돈이 많이 필요해요
= If you intend to buy something that expensive, you need a lot of money
서울에 가려면 지하철을 타세요!
= If you intend to go to Seoul, then take the subway!
주소를 바꾸려면 직접 와야 돼요
= If you intend to change your address, you should come in person
이 일을 끝내려면 인내심이 많이 필요해요
= If you intend to complete this task, you need a lot of patience
뒷맛을 없애려면 새콤한 것을 먹어야 돼요
= If you want to get rid of that aftertaste, you need to eat something sour
책을 반품하려면 서점에 직접 오셔야 됩니다
= If you want to return that book, you need to come to the bookstore in person
예쁜 경치를 보려면 아침 일찍 일어나야 돼요
= If you intend to see the beautiful scenery, you need to wake up early in the morning
문을 열려면 현관에서 직접 열쇠로 열어 주세요
= If you want to open the door, you need to come to the entrance in person with a key
새해를 맞이하려면 우선 새해 계획부터 짜야 해요
= If you want to bring in the new year, you need to first make plans for the new year
땅을 개발하려면 땅 주변 환경을 먼저 정리해야 돼요
= If you intend to develop the land, you must first organize/clear up the environment around it
그 경기를 재미있게 보려면 직접 경기장에서 봐야 해요
= If you want to watch that match in a fun way, you need to go watch it in person at the stadium
방 안에 있는 연기를 없애려면 창문을 활짝 열어 주세요
= If you want to get rid of the smoke in the room, open the window wide
자기개발에 힘쓰려면 돈을 낭비하지 말고 매달 저축하는 게 중요해요
= If you intend to work on improving yourself, don’t waste any money, and putting away money every month is important
이 일을 4시까지 끝내려면 중요하지 않은 부분은 무시해야 될 것 같아요
= If you intend to finish that job by 4:00, you should probably ignore the parts that aren’t important
That’s it for this lesson!
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