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June 18, 2021 – Just because I haven’t been updating this page, doesn’t mean I’m not working on it! Below are many updates over the past year or so:
– Every vocabulary entry in Unit 4 has an audio file attached to it
– Every sentence in Unit 4 has an audio file attached to it
– Every vocabulary entry has the “hidden” clickable information
– I’ve added many lessons for many languages, including the first for Czech, Romanian, Hebrew, Hungarian, Azerbaijani, Canadian English and Turkish
– Since my last update, I have had another baby – born April 28, 2021. You can use that as the reason why I didn’t update this page 🙂

April 27, 2020 – New Lesson – Lesson 149

April 26, 2020 – New Chinese Lesson – Lesson 7

April 25, 2020 – New Russian Lessons – Lesson 37 and Lesson 38

April 21, 2020 – New Lesson – Lesson 148

April 18, 2020 – Our first Romanian Lesson

April 17, 2020 – New Greek Lesson – Lesson 9

April 10, 2020 – New Lesson – Lesson 147

April 4, 2020 – New French Lesson – Lesson 22

April 1, 2020 – I started a new style of video – Reading Practice videos!

March 28, 2020 – New Lesson: Unit 6: Lesson 146

March 24, 2020 – New “Apply Yourself” Video: Lesson 4

March 10, 2020 – New Lesson: Unit 6: Lesson 145

February 9, 2020 – Our first lesson translated to Bulgarian!

December 20, 2019 – New Lesson: Unit 6: Lesson 144

November 15, 2019 – New Lesson: Unit 6: Lesson 143

October 14, 2019 – New Lesson: Unit 6: Lesson 142

September 13, 2019 – New Mini-Test – Unit 6: Lessons 134 – 141

August 8, 2019 – New Lesson – Unit 6: Lesson 141

August 1, 2019 – New Lesson – Unit 6: Lesson 140

July 2019 – Been doing a lot of work, but haven’t updated this page in a while. All lessons in Unit 3 now how the hidden information behind every vocabulary word.

April, 2019 – Again, long time, no update. That doesn’t mean I’m not working on the site. I actually just uploaded Lesson 138 today! In the past few months, I’ve done a ton of work on the site. I’ve changed the general appearance to make it more appealing and sleek. I’ve added many new videos to our YouTube Channel. I’ve added more hidden information behind vocabulary words. In addition, lots of little tweaks here and there.

September, 2018 – Long time, no update. Actually, I’ve been doing a lot, just not posting it here. I now have over 200 videos on our YouTube Channel. I’ve also been adding a ton of example sentences in the “hidden” information behind the vocabulary words. I’ve ton a lot of other tidying up, but nothing major that is worth mentioning.

April, May, June, 2018 – I’ve put a ton of effort into developing our YouTube Channel. I’ve uploaded about 100 videos in the past three months. We now have videos where you can practice creating Korean Sentences, practice listening with Korean Dictation, and learn about the grammar in Korean Signs

March 29th, 2018 – Lessons 26 – 33 now all have Spanish translations

March 26th, 2018 – Lesson 20 now has a Dutch translation

March 25th, 2018 – Lesson 10 now has a German translation

March 24th, 2018 – Lesson 6 now has a French translation

March 23rd, 2018 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 92 to include vocabulary from that lesson

February 16, 2018 – New lesson – Unit 6: Lesson 136

January 2, 2018 – My wife and I had a baby! We might be a little busy for the next few weeks.

December 22, 2017 – New lesson – Unit 6: Lesson 135

November 25, 2017 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 91 to include vocabulary from that lesson

September 24, 2017 – Added a new lesson to Unit 0 – discussing the names of Korean letters.

September 23, 2017 – All vocabulary in Lesson 81 now have an audio recording

September 18, 2017 – All vocabulary in Lesson 78 now have an audio recording

September 17, 2017 – New lesson – Unit 6: Lesson 134

September 16, 2017 – Changed jobs about a month ago, and it has kept me busy over the past month. I haven’t had much time to do any work on the website. However, today: All vocabulary in Lesson 80 now have an audio recording

July 29th, 2017 – If you click on any vocabulary entry in Lessons 59 – 66, you will find that there is hidden information

May 28th, 2017 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 90 to include vocabulary from that lesson

May 27th, 2017 – It’s been a while. I’ve been working on a “Conjugate” button for months now. You can see the button next to every verb and adjective in Unit 1. After writing out all of the conjugations by hand, I had to find a way to present them on the website. It took four attempts of uploading every piece of information to the site, and then realize it wasn’t going to work. I finally found a solution, and everything is up and running now.

March 15, 2017 – All audio files on our website (for the English lessons) have been converted to MP3 format. This means that they should all have that fancy “play” button beside them.

March 14, 2017 – I realized that all of the audio files on a page were loading in the browser when somebody just visited a page. This meant that anywhere from 100 – 200 audio files were being loaded, which may have caused some pages to load slower. This has now been fixed, and each audio file will only load if it is clicked.

March 12, 2017 – Another day. All audio links up to Lesson 40 have the cool “play” button feature. All lessons after Lesson 50 have the feature. Most from Lesson 41 to Lesson 50 do as well, but not all. Only a couple more to go.

March 11, 2017 – After another day, all the audio links in Unit 1 (Lessons 1 – 25) have been converted to allow for the “play” button to appear next to them. I love the way this thing works!

March 10, 2017 – Couldn’t get a lot of work done. Website went down and I had to scramble to fix it. If you happened to visit our website while it was down – I’m sorry. Every time it goes down (which happens a few times per year), I get emails from hundreds of people per hour telling me that they are worried it will be gone forever. It really makes me feel like the website it helping people. Thanks for the love, but you never need to worry. If it ever goes down – rest assured I am doing everything that I can to get it back up.

March 9, 2017 – After one day of work – the “play” button as discussed below appears next to every audio link up to and including Lesson 17 and after Lesson 50. Most of the lessons in between already have the play button next to the audio, but after a few more days of work they will all have one.

March 8, 2017 – You can now play the audio files without having to open up a new tab/window. This only works on .mp3 files. Luckily, most of the audio files on our website were uploaded in this format. In the upcoming weeks, we will be painstakingly going through every file one-by-one to make sure they are all in .mp3 format. This would mean that (eventually) all of the audio throughout the entire website will have this function. During that time, bear with us!

March 1, 2017 – New lesson – Lesson 133 is now up

January 7, 2017 – Lessons 10, 11 and 12 now have a Spanish translation

December 31, 2016 – Lesson 11 now has a French translation

December 11, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 61 now have an audio recording

December 10, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 73 now have an audio recording

December 8, 2016 – Our YouTube Channel is now up and running

November 20, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 75 now have an audio recording

November 19, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 74 now have an audio recording

November 10, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 71 now have an audio recording. There were 70 of them!

November 9, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 70 now have an audio recording. There were 80 of them!

November 7, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 69 now have an audio recording

November 4, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 68 now have an audio recording

November 3, 2016 – A better explanation of the translation of 가져오다 and 가져가다 was added to Lesson 15

November 2, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 67 now have an audio recording

October 30, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 66 now have an audio recording

October 29, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 65 now have an audio recording

October 28, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 64 now have an audio recording

October 27, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 63 now have an audio recording. There were 80 of them!

October 26, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 62 now have an audio recording

October 24, 2016 – If you click on any vocabulary entry in Lesson 58, you will find that there is hidden information
With that, Lessons 51 – 58 are essentially “finished.” My lessons are never really finished because I am always tweaking things here and there. However, as of today, those eight lessons have detailed explanations of grammar with example sentences using the vocabulary from each respective lesson. In addition, every vocabulary entry and example sentence has an audio recording, and every vocabulary entry has “hidden information” behind it.

October 23, 2016 – If you click on any vocabulary entry in Lesson 57, you will find that there is hidden information

October 18, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 60 now have an audio recording

October 18, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 59 now have an audio recording

October 17, 2016 – If you click on any vocabulary entry in Lesson 56, you will find that there is hidden information

October 12, 2016 – If you click on any vocabulary entry in Lesson 55, you will find that there is hidden information

October 11, 2016  – If you click on any vocabulary entry in Lesson 54, you will find that there is hidden information

October 10, 2016 – Lesson 11 now has a French translation

October 9, 2016 – More accurate Russian translations of Lesson 9, 10, 11 and 12 were uploaded, along with the hidden information behind each vocabulary word

October 6, 2016  – If you click on any vocabulary entry in Lesson 53, you will find that there is hidden information

October 1, 2016 – New lesson – Lesson 132 is now up

September 28, 2016  – If you click on any vocabulary entry in Lesson 52, you will find that there is hidden information

September 27, 2016 – New lesson – Lesson 131 is now up

September 26, 2016 – If you click on any vocabulary entry in Lesson 51, you will find that there is hidden information

September 25, 2016 – Lesson 9 now has a Spanish translation

September 24, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 58 now have an audio recording

September 23, 2016 – You can now download all of the audio for the Unit 3 Vocabulary in a package

September 22, 2016 – All vocabulary from Lesson 72 to Lesson 75 now have an audio recording. Now, all vocabulary entries in Unit 3 have an audio recording. In the upcoming weeks, in the midst of other things I will be working on, I will be adding an audio recording to every example sentence in Unit 3.

September 21, 2016 – All vocabulary from Lesson 69, Lesson 70 and Lesson 71 now have an audio recording

September 20, 2016 – All vocabulary from Lesson 58 to Lesson 68 now have an audio recording

September 18, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 89 to include vocabulary from that lesson

September 17, 2016 – Lesson 28 now has a Russian translation

September 16, 2016 – New lesson – Lesson 130 is now up

September 15, 2016 – A more accurate Spanish translation of Lesson 6, Lesson 7 and Lesson 8 was uploaded, and the Irregular Quick Reference and Lessons 1 – 8 Mini-Test now have a Spanish translation

September 14, 2016 – Lesson 2 and Lesson 9 now have a French translation

September 8, 2016 – New lesson – Lesson 129 is now up

September 7, 2016 – Unit 2: Lesson 27 now has a Russian translation

September 7, 2016 – All example sentences and all vocabulary in Lesson 57 now have an audio recording

September 6, 2016 – All example sentences and all vocabulary in Lesson 56 now have an audio recording

September 5, 2016 – Unit 2: Lesson 26 now has a Russian translation

September 5, 2016 – All example sentences and all vocabulary in Lesson 55 now have an audio recording

September 4, 2016 – All example sentences and all vocabulary in Lesson 54 now have an audio recording

September 3, 2016 – New lesson – Lesson 128 is now up

September 2, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 87 to include vocabulary from that lesson

September 1, 2016 – All example sentences and all vocabulary in Lesson 53 now have an audio recording

August 31, 2016 – The Russian translations of the first 8 lessons have been revamped

August 30, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 88 to include vocabulary from that lesson

August 29, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 86 to include vocabulary from that lesson

August 28, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 85 to include vocabulary from that lesson

August 27, 2016 – New lesson – Lesson 127 is now up

Sorry for the delay. We went on our (one year late) month-long honeymoon and couldn’t work on the website as much as we wanted to. In the upcoming months, we will have significantly more free time than we have had in the years previous. In addition to the regular updates (and new lessons) that you will see shortly, you will also start to see some entirely new sections added to the site.

July 10, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 84 to include vocabulary from that lesson

July 9, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 83 to include vocabulary from that lesson

July 8, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 82 to include vocabulary from that lesson

July 7, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 81 to include vocabulary from that lesson

July 6, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 80 to include vocabulary from that lesson

July 5, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 79 to include vocabulary from that lesson

July 4, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 78 to include vocabulary from that lesson

July 3, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 77 to include vocabulary from that lesson

July 2, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 76 to include vocabulary from that lesson

June 30, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 52 now have an audio recording

June 20, 2016 – All example sentences in Lesson 51 now have an audio recording

June 19, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 75 to include vocabulary from that lesson

June 13, 2016 – Lesson 7, the irregular reference and the Mini-Test for Lessons 1 – 8 have French translations

June 12, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 74 to include vocabulary from that lesson

June 11, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 73 to include vocabulary from that lesson

June 10, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 72 to include vocabulary from that lesson

June 9, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 71 to include vocabulary from that lesson

June 8, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 70 to include vocabulary from that lesson

June 7, 2016 – All vocabulary in Lessons 51 and 52 have an audio recording

May 28, 2016 – The first Lesson in Unit 6Lesson 126 is uploaded

May 19, 2016 – Our Hanja Unit 2 is now finished. I uploaded 18 new lessons to Unit 2, and a Unit 2 Test. The entire Unit can be downloaded as a PDF. Our Hanja curriculum now has a total of 200 characters.

May 16, 2016 – Unit 5 finally has a Unit Test! Could this be a sign that I’m going to start uploading lessons to Unit 6 soon? Only time will tell…

May 16, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 68 to include vocabulary from that lesson

May 16, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 69 to include vocabulary from that lesson

May 15, 2016 – Unit 2: Lesson 26 now has a German translation

April 14, 2016 – Unit 0: Lesson 1 now has a Dutch translation

April 3, 2016 – Over the past year, I’ve dedicated most of my time to improving my earlier lessons. As of today, Unit 2 is essentially finished. My lessons are never really “finished,” because I will always tweak them here and there to make them more enjoyable, accurate and simple. That being said, in addition to the grammar content, every lesson in Unit finally has:
– An audio recording for each vocabulary word
– An audio recording for each example sentence
– Hidden information behind each vocabulary word
…. now to do the same thing for Unit 3, Unit 4 and Unit 5

April 3, 2016 – More accurate Spanish translation for Lesson 5 uploaded

April 3, 2016 – Added audio files to every example sentence from Lesson 34 (there were 100 of them!)

April 2, 2016 – Added audio files to every example sentence from Lesson 45, 46 and 50

March 31, 2016 – Added audio files to every example sentence from Lessons 42 – 44

March 26, 2016 – Forum now back online after updating software and tweaking things

March 25, 2016 – Added audio files to every example sentence from Lessons 38 – 41

March 22, 2016 – Unit 5 Workbooks completed and now available.

March 20, 2016 – Added audio files to every example sentence from Lessons 35 – 37

March 19, 2016 – Added many more example sentences to Lesson 67 to include vocabulary from that lesson

We just released a massive update for our app that was 9 months in the making. We added a ton of new content and features. Learn about the updates here, and everything the app can do here.